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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. also when do we think the first single is coming
  2. oh im dumb i thought lana's team wrote those
  3. oh my god anne could have just responded to lana's tweets with that and it would have made things v awkward
  4. omg i would give her my raymond for free
  5. i don't think dan is ever coming back. i got the vibe making UV was a frustrating process for the both of them (although lana's label does let her have more artistic freedom now)
  6. no video but she def looked surprised haha
  7. bad guy is a good song for its production not its songwriting....
  8. how long until lana's categories im tired of this
  9. i hope the spoken word album has one song on it or some kind of singing. i doubt it though
  10. i don't mean to be that bitch but pretty sure lana doesn't actually know what jazz is
  11. lol didn't read earlier comments. if this pic is wrong i dont want to be right oh and banned cause hollywood undead vibes
  12. ban u for making your avi a stock photo of a drink
  13. im so excited about this. Kacey is AMAZING; a perfect person for lana to collab with
  14. well, ill just say, friends that judged me for loving lana are listening to NFR nonstop. Like all of my friends. So I will take that over a volume issue in how to disappear (the worst track anyways)
  15. i didnt say not to listen, i said not to like. People are more than slightly critical--every time I come on this pre release thread that's not even supposed to be about NFR I see people talking shit about it. Sorry I would rather just enjoy it. Also calling me delusional for calling the album critically acclaimed makes zero sense
  16. imagine feeling the need to constantly try to tear down a critically acclaimed album and try to convince other people not to like it. what is that doing for you? if you dont like it dont listen?
  17. ugh if another one of you pretends to be ann powers and uses the adj uncooked again imma lose it
  18. what is this HTD production volume thing? Also love how off topic this thread got
  19. I don't know if ppl were talking about what eclipse said and that's how this whole thing got started, but I tend to agree with this tweet--It adds a certain quality that matches her aesthetic: https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1178363388717682689?s=20
  20. she knows way too much about music and production for the nfr production to be an accident.
  21. i feel like a lot of times song inspo isn't really that linearly related to one person or thing. I can see how california is definitely about barrie but the other songs could easily just be about love in general. Not really that into her dating a cop personally
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