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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Judging from pictures, I'm about the same size as her but I'm a bit more busty and I'm at an average weight. But then again, she's a grown woman so maybe it isn't healthy on her.
  2. Well done, totally deserved it! :love:
  3. I said from what I had heard, I'm in no means an expert on album tracks. I do think she's going in a more dramatic and darker style with her music though, which for me is a good thing. I LOVE her more dramatic tracks.
  4. That's true, I mean if she came on to the music scene as Lizzy Grant now she'd probably be a lot more successful. You're totally right, the music industry is more about timing and luck than talent a lot of the time.
  5. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    Maybe I'll be doing the same in a couple of months time.
  6. Thanks! It's kind of a fluke though, we're gonna buy the tickets on Friday - I don't think they'll sell out. But if they do, my mum will take me to Leeds lol! SO EXCITED OMG. But yes, a musician's looks shouldn't matter in the long run, hence why I don't give a flying fajita about Lana's lips.
  7. LOVE Goulding's older stuff, not too keen on ACH though. Under the Sheets and Salt Skin are easily my favourites.
  8. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    Maybe I don't care though? Who am I kidding? Of course I care, it's CC. Then again, I'm not really a CC collector. I've spent most of my time collecting Lana things - but since I have them all now, I can collect CC things! Can't wait for Air War, I LOVE the album cover.
  9. Love this show! I lost the episodes Lana featured in, can someone link me?
  10. Lucky bitch, but then again I shall be seeing Crystal Castles on the 24th November! I've always thought Alice looks younger too. And tbh, I don't care about a musician's age or looks - as long as I enjoy their music.
  11. For sure! I love men that look a little older (not like 70 though lol) and women can certainly look better older too. And yeah exactly, but I'm still sticking with 26 lol.
  12. As someone said earlier, she needs to get a tampon for her leaks.
  13. No matter how old she is, I still think she's incredibly sexy. My mum's 37 and no way does Lana look a couple years younger than her. No way at all. I'd just say she looks her age, but that's my opinion.
  14. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    My mum's gonna get me Air War and Courtship Dating soon, I really want the Doe Deer one but I haven't got like £50 to buy it with But hopefully one day I can get the DD and AP vinyl. I also want to get the 12" Crimewave one too. I'm gonna see them on the 24th November in Brixton(:
  15. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    You never know, one day I might just sneak in to your house and steal that vinyl...
  16. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    You bitch. But then again, I have a limited copy of the 7" Crimewave one where only 1000 were made
  17. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    I hope it'll be like II as well, with more Alice. I really think it's going to be awesome, and I want to hear more songs like 'Knights' I really dig that song.
  18. Mileena


    Fixed, thank you for letting me know! I had no idea she said '50s' baby doll dress...but oh well, those are the correct lyrics!
  19. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    Me too, what's your expectations for III?
  20. I'm not sure if this has already been suggested or if this is a work in progress, but do you think we could have different themes to choose from for the site design?
  21. Mileena


    Where's the incorrect lyrics?
  22. From what I've heard of the Paradise Ed, I don't think Hollywood and DY would really fit in - they're just not of the same dramatic ilk, but that doesn't mean they're not as equally good.
  23. I don't care where Hollywood and Damn You go, just as long as we get them soon!
  24. CWYCMA is pretty much my favourite song and I'm really curious about the origins of it. I don't think I've seen it on any song databases and it just appeared online one day. Here's some of my theories: (Yes I've thought about this long and hard) 1) If both versions were done in 2008, could they of been made for LDRAKALG, or another EP type thing? 2) V1 wasn't good enough, so V2 was made instead to go on something. Because unless I'm mistaken, both versions were made in the Lizzy Grant era. Any thoughts/ideas? I love the song too much lol.
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