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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Daddy Issues! I looooove that song (even though no one else on this earth does!) Hit me my darling tonight. I don't know why, but I like it.
  2. Lucky Ones, ugh. I really think it's such a weak Lana song and I think it's a bad ending to such a great album! In fact, I don't even think the 3 bonus tracks are even that good...the rest of the album is better in my opinion. WY, Lolita and LO are pretty weak songs if you ask me.
  3. You forget a lot of Lana songs because she has so many? When I first started getting her unreleased, demos and LG things back in January I was really in to Trash/Trash Magic and the first demo of Lolita. But now I just forget about those songs and listen to her newly leaked unreleased stuff. It's not that I don't like the songs, but Jesus - she has so many, you can't possibly listen to them all!
  4. Oh yes, I would of preferred any of the DMD demos on the album rather than the final production. I'm sorry, but her producers murdered that song. It kind of sounds like a bad wannabe gangster remix. That constant 'hey hey' in the background infuriates me.
  5. I will do that if such a thing happens again, I'll just turn in to Superman and fly out the window!
  6. I just want everyone's thoughts on if they prefer the demo of a song to the final version. With Carmen I prefer the demo (the demo with music), I just like the almost jazz feel to it. However, I'd prefer it with the French part in.
  7. Ginger, blonde or auburn for me. But she looks so good as a redhead.
  8. Really? Awesome! I love Worthing, it's on the seafront. It's like paradise really.
  9. Mileena

    No Doubt

    I like bits of No Doubt, I still like Don't Speak lol.
  10. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    Are there any other CC fans here? Not me, the band lol. I'm obsessed with Courtship Dating and Birds <3
  11. Oh haha, I was just wondering because when I learnt Spanish, the word for action was acción and she pronounces is like that ;D
  12. London's cool, I live in Worthing now though - it's near Brighton. Yeah, I do...I'm not even sure how, no one in my family is American but I've always had a slight twang to my voice lol.
  13. Dorset, how exotic lol. People think I'm from Eastern Europe because of my features, but when I talk they think I'm American. My voice is weird, it's like I talk very posh but then I sound American too. You're so lucky if people think you're Spanish, I love Spain!
  14. Dark brunette, but my hair goes like light brown with a red tinge from the light. I'm very pale, I'm like a ghost. I don't tan or burn much either, I'm a vampire - I'm sure. Haha, sometimes people think I'm American because of my accent(: x
  15. Thank you! Yours sounds cool too(: No, not often but I have dyed it a couple of times before. But I don't do crazy colours, just a dark brunette or a lighter blonde. I want to dye my hair fairly dark though soon x
  16. My hair used to be like that at the beginning of the year, then I got it done collar bone length and like a short Lana style. But last time I went to the 'dressers a couple weeks a go I got it done Alice Glass style. I love having short hair, but I can't keep my hair one colour or style haha! x
  17. I feel bad for my hair, I blow dry it and straighten it. My hair's very short with a full fringe so it looks weird with a little random wave in! But I've seen your pics and your hair looks good - especially after being in rain for 6 hours! x
  18. I'm part Jewish, but my family's like a mix of Mauritian, Polish, Jewish and God knows what else haha! My hair has a slight wave so I straighten it every day.
  19. I was happy, upset and angry all in one lol. And true, but maybe just not in a conventional manner.
  20. Thank you! And yes, I'm a bit of a Twitter lurk - I don't use it often anymore. You have Jewish hair!? Awesome!
  21. That's fantastic! I'm really glad you got to meet Lana, you totally deserve it - I actually follow you on Twitter, I'm @OffToDaRaces so I knew some of your story(: i really hope that I can meet her properly (not just see her in the street haha!), but anyway: sounds like you had an awesome time ;D P.S: Standing in the rain is a hell of a lot of dedication, I'm not sure my Jewish hair would be able to take it
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