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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    I hope it'll be like II as well, with more Alice. I really think it's going to be awesome, and I want to hear more songs like 'Knights' I really dig that song.
  2. Mileena


    Fixed, thank you for letting me know! I had no idea she said '50s' baby doll dress...but oh well, those are the correct lyrics!
  3. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    Me too, what's your expectations for III?
  4. I'm not sure if this has already been suggested or if this is a work in progress, but do you think we could have different themes to choose from for the site design?
  5. Mileena


    Where's the incorrect lyrics?
  6. From what I've heard of the Paradise Ed, I don't think Hollywood and DY would really fit in - they're just not of the same dramatic ilk, but that doesn't mean they're not as equally good.
  7. I don't care where Hollywood and Damn You go, just as long as we get them soon!
  8. CWYCMA is pretty much my favourite song and I'm really curious about the origins of it. I don't think I've seen it on any song databases and it just appeared online one day. Here's some of my theories: (Yes I've thought about this long and hard) 1) If both versions were done in 2008, could they of been made for LDRAKALG, or another EP type thing? 2) V1 wasn't good enough, so V2 was made instead to go on something. Because unless I'm mistaken, both versions were made in the Lizzy Grant era. Any thoughts/ideas? I love the song too much lol.
  9. 1) Million Dollar Man 2) Off to the Races 3) Carmen 4) Born To Die 5) This Is What Makes Us Girls 6) Radio 7) National Anthem 8) Video Games 9) Blue Jeans 10) Diet Mountain Dew 11) Summertime Sadness 12) Dark Paradise 13) Without You 14) Lolita 15) Lucky Ones
  10. The only thing that kills it for me is the guy in the background, and she does sound rather nasally.
  11. BTD is my favourite out of the 3, but I really do think VG is overrated. I'd even call it a weaker track on the album, things like 'Carmen' in my opinion are better.
  12. You're better looking than me though!
  13. How do you delete posts/topics?
  14. Also, I'm not going to say anything about Lana's looks because I don't know about anyone else here, I'm certainly not a supermodel lol.
  15. I don't care what she looks like, I don't think she has had a nose job. But of course, a lot of pictures you see are edited. Like she has a bum chin (nothing wrong with that, I have one too.) but then in some pictures they blur it out and stuff. I've never noticed her teeth either? It's natural to not have dazzling white teeth anyway, so she doesn't 'need to whiten her teeth' because it's up to her. Regardless of that, I love most things she has done as Lana and I don't like a lot of the things she did as Lizzy. I think she looks phenomenal whether she's Lana, Lizzy, May Jailer, Sparkle Jump Rope Queen or whoever else. Oh and I also think she looks her age. I know a lot of 26/27 year olds that look older when they haven't even had substance abuse.
  16. I don't like the fact that she tries so hard to be elusive about her past discography, she's missing out on a big money making trick by doing that. I'm not trying to sound mean at all, but has Lana got some sort of mental er condition? I'm not saying she's 'special' or anything at all, but it's just I have a few and she seems to have a lot of the same kind of things I do...and I'm not being mean at all - I just don't know how to phrase it. Because it sounds like she has really bad anxiety which I have, and I know what she means with the whole just falling down from it and everything.
  17. Ah right, Well who knows anymore? I've gave up with trying to find dates for her songs.
  18. You're right, I wasn't saying by any means that a womans cause isn't any more important. And I'm a woman, and it does annoy me, don't get me wrong. But I have someone really close to me who is transgendered, and I'm not straight either, my family's from everywhere so I've experienced every form of discrimination. And God, I know. Sometimes, she does get on my nerves a little bit, but she wouldn't be human if she didn't. It's nice to see how her musical style has improved anyway. She could just say 'Those were songs I did years back, I've evolved as an artist' - or something along those lines. Rather than get all upset and ridiculous.
  19. That is a point, but I mean the same thing happens to transgender people - and I'm not being funny but I think they have it a lot worse than women in a lot of ways. But that's not to say that women don't have tough times either. And you're perfectly right in having an opinion, not everyone will like what she does. Sometimes she infuriates me when she acts like she has so much to hide about her previous discography. I mean come on, I listen to a lot of artists and none of them have been so dramatic and well kind of silly like Lana's been about her leaked songs. For example, Crystal Castles get leaked songs but they don't give a fuck. Still, I love my Baby Rey <3
  20. I didn't know about the age thing... And wasn't Sirens done in 2004?
  21. That's true though, I mean masturbating? Not cool in my books. And I do agree with you as well. But as I've mentioned before, I do love nudity so I'll naturally have a different opinion.
  22. I can honestly see it from your point of view, I personally love nudity - nude beaches are totally my thing haha. But I do see what you mean about the men being in elaborate suits and such beforehand.
  23. She was topless on the BTD single album cover, so she's never had any dignity if that's the case.
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