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Everything posted by collin

  1. 1 Cherry 1 White Mustang 1 Summer Bummer 1 In My Feelings 1 God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women In It 1 When the World Was At War We Kept On Dancing 1 Tomorrow Never Came 1 Heroin 9 Love 10 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems 10 Get Free 12 Groupie Love 13 Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind 14 Lust for Life 15 13 Beaches 16 Change LMAO my sorting is so me. so indecisive i legit have 8 #1s. that tumblr is so cool
  2. im totally not sitting here crying listening to get free for the first time
  3. okay i just listened to tomorrow never came for the first time and im SHOOK. i was so nervous about it but its absolutely amazing i love how sean and lanas voices work together its beautiful
  4. i havent given heroine a TRUE listen yet. i was trying to limit how much i listened to before it came out but i still stand by my statement lmao. but i totally agree this album is more than i expected and i love it
  5. in my feelings is THAT song. quote me on it
  6. some of you are BOLD on here asking for links and pms.... call me raven because i see warning points in your future
  7. im not saying that lanas feelings currently arent justifiable but youd think after basically everything you do leaks that it wouldnt be that big of a deal anymore
  9. okay the gays are on fire tonight im so DEAD
  10. apparently. ive been seeing that lipster bs recently. i hate it so much i was so glad before i knew that was a thing because i though we didn't have one
  11. i second that because i HATE lipsters wtf is that shit
  12. im so sorry UV but this is lana's best album
  13. i can already see critics praising this album
  14. okay so the gays on twitter are screaming over 13 beaches
  15. what i have is 128kbps and is being deleted very quickly after its posted
  17. so far its at the bottom of my list. it just doesn't compare to the others
  18. lol don't expect anything the site is all about not posting links
  19. i'm really laughing at has it leaked saying they're going to post a link... the site literally stresses that they don't publish links
  20. this has tired my little gay ass out. i think im done for the night my refresh button has had enough
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