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Everything posted by collin

  1. that stupid little bitch pretending to be lana... bye queen
  2. https://twitter.com/hasitleaked/status/887494929601245184 has it leaked says its coming
  3. apparently the gay on reddit is lying... we shall see
  4. thank god the boards is back!! my ass was just sitting refreshing atrl because i have no account there lmao
  5. i even tried to fool the people at target by turning the signs they have for new albums from "out 7/21" to "available now" but they fucking looked it up and told me the sign was wrong
  6. yeah the dude was like "well it looks like it doesn't come out officially until friday but let me see what i can do ill check if we have it in stock"
  7. i went to two targets and best buy today and tried to get them to give it to me. the guy at best buy was going to but they didn't have it in stock
  8. the more i look at the album cover the more i like it. but im also basically imagining this as a much more americana album than what shes portraying it as
  9. this is the quality content that brings me on here
  10. collin

    This or That

    club penguin AKA or UV
  11. im genuinly so mad i used the last of my weed last night i wanted that shit to get stoned and listen to the masterpiece that is LFL high as fuck
  12. there are as many pages on here as there are calendar years lmao
  13. i legit have lanaboards, hasitleaked, and twitter all open just constantly checking for this bitch to leak
  14. thank you so much !!!
  15. how and/or when can you change the little thingy that says "member" above your icon??
  16. ahhhh okay thank you lol i dont know how i missed that
  17. yes! do you own a car
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