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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. IKR? I hope at least Taylor wins it....and then thank Lana in her speech
  2. This would take over radio. Completely
  3. So it seems like, thematically the album will be a mixture of Life is so hard/Sad love songs/God is a bitch. I hope for 13 tracks at least
  4. Do you think we will get 19-seconds-long teasers 3 weeks before the actual release? Would be nice
  5. *notice how there is no Spanish guitar in the song, therefore this is obviously a demo and not close to finished, those ohh ohh parts will be extended in the final version for sure, to be like in Serial Killer
  6. Creyk


    This is her most LDR song of the recent leaks. I like the glamour
  7. She will probably get the one for Ride I think it might be because Taylor used attractive men in her video. I mean they care about aesthetics right?
  8. So based on what we know so far, her new album consists of poetic spiritual songs with dark undertones and new lyrical themes and a spanish guitar.... :woot: :woot:
  9. She wanted to be a beautiful poet according to the Ride monologue, and she is American. And some of her songs are autobiographical. So it could be a song title. About AHH...I think it's just a cool sequence of words
  10. Yeah I was wondering if I should mention him and the fact that she will be painting the toenails of one of her bitchy friends. I mean how often do you see that
  11. Well what you need to know: Lana is a Chola, uses Albino model, they are Adam and Eve and the story is about the loss of innocence and regaining it. Elvis and Marilyn will appear at some point.
  12. WTF I have her album Although I have to admit, I don't watch her videos or live performances because I am not that interested in her as a person, but her songs are amazing.
  13. You know, SNL, lots of people think she can't actually sing I can't see her going without him
  14. She sometimes does it during Body Electric performances
  15. Gaga and Lana...and that random third someone in your sig?
  16. Is there ANY chance she will attend? I hope but have no idea. And even if she is there, would she perform? It could be a way of redeeming herself completely, plus because of the Gaga hype a lot of people will be watching...but wouldn't she get the nerves, hmm....I have no idea Also, I'm already crossing my fingers that Summertime Sadness gets some kind of Grammy nomination for her.
  17. Would she release a new single now? I mean, Summertime Sadness is doing really well atm. Maybe if she released it like around the middle of August it could happen but I doubt we have to wait that long for this.
  18. In Television Heaven I thought she sang: "Swingin' in New York to Rihanna songs," and I was like: Aww, how cool! She's awesome! And then today I saw it's Nirvana songs
  19. This Russian Plaque looks the best so far, they chose a really good picture.
  20. It really is quite repetitive with it's chorus but I think it has it's charm. The intro is beautiful. But definitely one of the weakest songs on Paradise
  21. Maybe now that she has a kid she listens to Born To Die (the song) a lot more
  22. It's surprising how good longevity this has. Maybe it will enter the top 20, radio really seems to like it
  23. What the helll...why am I seeing this only now. AMAZING! And with this footage, specially the last part I want to wake up to this every day
  24. I don't think we'll have many scenes in the Garden. I mean, we have seen a bunch of pics and even vine videos about shooting and they were mostly in some desert-like place or at some kind of Gas station/Strip club. Maybe Lana will give a lap dance to fake Elvis We all know she's into him after all.
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