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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I'm curious whether that poetry book will be successful at all. Like why is it self-published...that is not a good sign
  2. Her lyricism was great in BTD in Paradise but then she started making these choruses that are just the same word/phrase repeated over and over Utraviolence ultraviolence ultraviolence High by the beach high by the beach baby bye bye our honeymooooon our honeymoooon Our lust for life keeps us alive our lust for life keeps us alive etc.
  3. She can sing but it's true that the mastermind behind her music is her brother but it's not like he is going to abandon her, they are family. Also there are plenty of people who are bad vocally who do good in the music business just look at Janet Jackson, Britney, Rihanna in the first 6 years of her career I love you and so true
  4. Well she is the reason we didn't get our album 2 days ago. But also her music is amazing
  5. It would be cool if she got new songs instead of them, but she was aware that most people hated coachella yet she put it on L4L anyway...so I don't think she really messes with the tracklist she built up in her head
  6. Creyk

    Instagram Updates

    I think so I remember commenting on it
  7. Creyk


    It is april fools day you guys Please do NOT fall for that
  8. Rihanna debuted when she was 16 Britney when she was 17
  9. Creyk

    Instagram Updates

    She turned off the comments on the post about in your car https://www.instagram.com/p/BsEonkXjujo/
  10. She is only 17 now I think she is here to stay, this is just the beginning
  11. If it's been finished since december it's probably staying the same
  12. Creyk

    Aly & AJ

    You are a life saver with these links I got into their music because of you.
  13. What would she be tired from? Hanging out with friends 24/7? Because the 1 show she does every 3 months is certainly not a huge effort. (she lets playback sing instead of her) NO ONE forced her to release this album. She is the one who made the announcement and put out 3 songs and 3 other snippets. None of us made her do this. So what if she is tired? upload the album. Then leave. No one expects her to promote anyway, she didn't do that in 6 years.
  14. I indeed did not XD I just meant things are what they are We might not call her friends whores anymore but if that is what they are us not calling them out won't change that. Although I don't know if they indeed are that I just think the blonde one with the curly hair is ugly as sin. Like she wants to be someone on instagram? Get a grip.
  15. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    I pray to god the quality of her lyricism won't go down...
  16. That does not sound like something worth worrying about A rat is a rat.
  17. That talentless hack already tried to come back and the public said no. She has an ugly voice and will never be half as good as our cruel music withholding fave
  18. So did she literally tell her idiot friends "okay act like you are laughing about nothing for 20 seconds ok?" nothing was happening in the little videos she posted and they just looked stupid
  19. The I told you ones they are next level pathetic, acting like it's wrong to want your fave to put out music when she clearly has nothing going on besides a poetry book no one really cares about and the few that do are only interested in it because of her music (which she is withholding in a cruel way)
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