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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Heart To Break is still her best song.
  2. NOPE!! She is going to keep delaying it, but it is expected in the Upper East Side in NYC. Her personality fits in very well there, and she doesn't have to make an effort. Except, the people of lanaboards stand together, and have each other's backs when it comes to Lana. We might talk smack about her instagram friends, but we do it to their faces, not behind their backs. Also, we go out to eat, and ACTUALLY EAT!!! I was anorexic and bulimic about 18 years ago, (I went from a size women's 3/4 to a children's size 11, and weighed 87 lbs, with an 18" waist) it was my friends and my mother, who threatened to have me committed to a food rehab, if I didn't gain a healthy amount of weight. Those are true friends, they wanted me healthy and made sure that someone was there to eat with me and keep me occupied to keep me from vomiting the food up. Also, being a neurosurgeon residents, I knew that I couldn't let my eating disorder out (by going into a rehab) as the hospital would get involved. I am now a neurosurgeon, healthy, and a healthy size for my 5'4" frame. I have to thank my friends, who still make sure that I am eating healthy and keeping it down, and all that my mother did (she passed away from a rare cancer nearly 3 years ago). The point is I am not sure how committed these instagram friends are to her, and would they still hang out with her if she wasn't famous which is a shame considering it is obvious as this point they have a large part in keeping Norman Fucking Rockwell behind bars.
  3. Creyk


    wtf Is that a single, an album? Why am I always out of the loop with her
  4. Having well-thought out comments is a bad thing now????
  5. I'm loving all the discussion on the last pages. In-depth thoughts about one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet...yeah that's what a fan forum should be.
  6. I combined the 3 snippets. She's a cute girl I think we are going to be good friends. But give us cinnamon.
  7. Creyk

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Just FYI it has been leaked for more than 24 hours. And I am NOT saying anything other than PM's are open if you want to talk about how good it is
  8. Creyk

    Bad Girl

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN0vzM8nXtQ Sounds like the kind of songs she made in 2011 aka her most fun period right before she blew up with BTD please leak
  9. I get wild on you baby, I get wild and fucking crazy like the color blue Blue Blue When will NFR?
  10. Even though we bitch about her lazy ass a lot, I love Lana so much
  11. I'm pretty sure most people agree with you. Except for the not liking cinnamon part. Wha I find annoying is that the snippets she posted so far are all better than the songs we actually did get in full.
  12. Creyk


    Seriously. I just found it leaked. I can't find it anywhere at all
  13. This ain't half bad, you all know in 3 days you will be bopping to it
  14. Lana has always been a very niche artist that is why she is not big like Adele so it makes sense many people are not here for her. But tbh who cares, she made it clear over and over again she is not very fond of being famous. Just serve us with the good music and forget about the rest.
  15. I am not even hyped that much by these news simply because I am not even close to being over Cherry Blossom and Wild One. Like wow we are actually getting a good amount of material finally.
  16. Well, obviously it's not on the album. Why would it be on there? It's a standalone single in the age of streaming it's okay to do things like that.
  17. Hey guys did anyone pico the snippet from instagram? That site is so annoying to replay the snippet on because the music simply stops if you click away
  18. But she showed more of a willingness to do commercial music than ever before in an interview leading up to the era, so maybe she and her record label decided to try something different. It could be cute.
  19. hopefully she scrapped how to disappear venice bitch mariners and hope like we had them for so long by now
  20. Khris is right, basically this means the song can come out any day since the usual gap between a song being releaseed and being serviced to radio is 1-2 weeks. Maybe it could drop next friday?
  21. Creyk

    Taylor Swift

    Well, it's over.
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