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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. I honestly need a pic of the indie yellow vinyl VS the amazon “beige” vinyl to see if they’re the exact same or not
  2. Got an email all of my signed bundles got shipped
  3. People keep saying she hated Dan but I don’t know why they assumed why, isn’t he the one that she fought with her label for?
  4. I’m so happy for her like I know this feels so amazing and hope so soon we can be happy for lana too since she really wants to have kids!
  5. Chuckl is gunna be mom and that means I won’t see any of her touches in the next album cuz she’s gunna be too busy but wait how can we get charlie pregnant too
  6. I love that site but never managed to buy from them cuz im not from the US and they only allow if your ID from usa- i hate them
  7. Lol I’d hate myself if you missed something else that’s reminded by me again?? i mean this one the (vitamin string) pink vinyl
  8. So if white dress won’t be released today when shes gunna do it?? After the release day? Is that even okay I cant remember her previous eras
  9. What about the pink one? Isn’t considered as something official?
  10. here we go with negative shit tryna to get anything to drag about even this beautiful cover lol
  11. Edit: repeated lol Yes I saw it but it’s more expensive I prefer the USA one & i can use the 15% off code
  12. guys im actually pissed off do you think it will be restocked again? I mean come one even her NFR fuck it i love you hoodie is still available
  13. How the fuck is the windbreaker is sold out already it always stay for sale for a very long time (NFR for example) fuck
  14. im one of them and tbh ive never listened to something when it’s leaked I personally think it’s gunna feel like any of her unreleased songs got leaked the real thrill comes when I listen it on its actual time
  15. omg lets pray but tbh the matte ones are getting dusty very easily
  16. i love the fact that ive been a fan since 2013 and ive never listened to any early leaked version of her albums lana & ben & ed if you see this i need to be rewarded
  17. Don’t worry we always have a way of getting her stuff eventually?
  18. I think it will be restocked again it always happens
  19. Oh my god man I feel bad now for making you realize that i know how bad it feels for a collector to realize that... and the sad thing is I rarely see someone selling them I wonder why maybe it was really really limited You can see a pic of it here https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lana-Del-Rey-Lust-For-Life-Autographed-Signed-Lithograph-Poster-NEW-/332481581393
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