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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. another live stream https://twitter.com/LanaDelReyArabs/status/949499024264003584
  2. she added extra $10 on her items prices lmao
  3. there's no way that UK cds are fake!! i mean do u remember when she shared her moment on her ig story when she was signing them in UK she's signing more than 100 cds so obviously her signature wouldn't look the same, don't worry ppl like to complain about everything.. enjoy it!
  4. wow they deleted the post and the tweet as well i feel like there's something wrong between lana and nicole and it was like nicole decided to get something new out of lana since she doesn't want to work with her again but her team noticed it and destroyed it lmao idk do u remember when she said she wants to make a book but lana's team didn't respond? so??? idk
  5. sorry if it sounds dumb af but where did she confirm that she's doing an EP???
  6. I'm finally getting out of my shitty country (aka Saudi Arabia) y'all im 25 yo and ive never traveled before and that would be my fucking first time im going to Germany & Italy and she's coming there but sadly i'll visit these two in July so yeah i hope she adds more dates pray for ur sis
  7. Ultraviolence MV was one of the best videos ever i love it so much, that shit was so freaking deep and i love the fact that many ppl didn't get it
  8. but she said she will sell them up on February and suddenly she sold them on December i really don't understand this woman like oki what about the Cherry collection that you all of a sudden you showed them up and where are thay now? smh
  9. i still need someone to filter the shit out of Cherry who can do it? PLEASE
  10. someone filter the shit out of cherry we need to hear whats our gurl saying
  11. i ordered it from https://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/ and i didn't get it from which store did u buy it?
  12. what about the guys who ordered the box from https://store.universalmusic.com/lanadelrey/ why is it taking forever?
  13. the boxset is so fucking basic and its another copy of HM boxset i just bought it cuz i want to have all of them, thats why.
  14. How? They told me it got delayed and they don’t have any expected date of shipping it
  15. so im the only one who got an email saying that my windbreaker got delayed?
  16. what?? did lana reject touring with Stevie???? when??? could you pls send me a link!!!
  17. same sis i spent almost $400!!!
  18. Guys am i the only one who didn’t get an email saying the merch bern shipped out????
  19. where's my box set where's my windbreaker where's my vinyl where's my money
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