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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. omg i still remember when he said it sounds like Carmen
  2. Our gurl was having fun tonight https://twitter.com/lanadelreyarabs/status/883924947269189632
  3. lucky you! it will be dropped 4 days before mine
  4. yes Target did it too and i don't even know why is this rumor happening again
  5. yes i totally forgot about the Target announcement and i hope it's fake because im not sure about anything in this era
  6. GUYS THIS GIRL SAYS HER LOCAL STORE SAID LFL WILL BE OUT ON AUGUST????? what the fuck? this rumor is flaying around damn https://twitter.com/FTI3/status/883591828536139776
  7. what the fuck did i just read we are in 2017 and people still bringing the same slavery shit.. like do we act like we do not know all of the slavery shit starting because of the monkeys bullshit? what the fuck is this
  8. The date tweet isn't deleted she just unpinned it and pinned the album cover instead of it Probably she knows that some ppl think the album cover has changed
  9. Thank you my mum was visiting France and I asked her to bring me 3 copies lmao She got back today and here they are The shipping to my country was so fuvking experience thank god my mom was there
  10. Off topic but I'm so fucking happy I got 3 copies of the best interview on this era lmao No seriously this magazine was my #1
  11. where's the tracklist? which tracklist ur talking about
  12. yes and she used to do this with us remember when HM came out and ppl listened to Swan Song lots of people freaked out.. cuz its like,, come on ITS THE SWAN SONG; The FINAL performance of a person's career... but here we are nothings gunna stop her
  13. RIP for people who tattooed Trust No One because of lana
  14. i think there's a huge chance that she did change the cover people said she didn't because she promote the album by that popular photo but in fact, she did the same with UV and she changed her mind we'll make sure on the 12th
  15. yes but her voice was louder thats all but she didn't change the whole production
  16. i'd die for this moment guys do you think we'll have a pre-order link for the boxset on the 12th?
  17. they're trying their best to drag ppl for their drama but in fact they're the drama queens imagine being annoyed and stressed and fighting because some people are arguing about subjects that you don't like.. take a deep breath pls its not good for your health <3 ... i'd be surprised if she didn't release Cherry on 12th
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