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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. guys do you remember when did we get the preorder link of HM boxset? i can't remember edit: nvm it was August 19
  2. am I the only one who isn't excited for Change? I really liked Cherry and White Mustang tho
  3. You mean she feeds them in case they're so hungry?
  4. She seems so happy and excited to drop this album I can feel it I can't wait!! (42 days left!!!!) She literally said "currently" maybe that means she will add more and more
  5. 0:45 how dare yoooooou hate this masterpiece????
  6. omg lana should take notes from this when she decide to make her next album artwork
  7. I hate this word i hope they take it off the dictionary
  8. Chuck has been working for Lana documentary since 2012 but we don't know when will she release it you're not alone boo
  9. Thank you for your answer it's so helpful What about the lyrics? He's going to use her lyrics "translating them"
  10. guys pls help i want to ask you about something and hopefully you know the answer now if there's someone who wants to publish something related LDR in a legal way in the stores, from who should he ask for the permission? from her label? if the answer is yes.. which one? UMG or IR? and what if he wants to use one photo.. should he contact the photographer himself or? thank you so much
  11. i'm so excited like she really wants to give her fans what they really want guys i want to ask you about something and hopefully you know the answer now if there's someone who wants to publish something related LDR in a legal way in the stores, from who should he ask for the permission? from her label? if the answer is yes.. which one? UMG or IR? thank you so much
  12. i'm so sad about that because the trailer was hella perfect and it really deserves attention wish she delayed it too so it can fits the album date because it was the best trailer she has ever made
  13. of course i didn't mean the unfollow,, etc im talking in general like, Jamie and more examples it's just a guess, im not saying this is a truth other than that, i know maybe she still contacts with them.. nobody knows except lana herself
  14. sometimes i feel like Chuck is the only best/true friend for Lana, nobody stays with her so long except Chuck (yes she's her sister but not all sisters had strong relationships like this) most of her friendships didn't last, all of a sudden they fade away
  15. i feel like this always happens with Lana's friendships.. so it's so normal
  16. is it normal that im so fucking excited for the boxset more than the album itself? well im joking but im really excited but what if they didn't give us a boxset like the album has delayed and she wants to add more songs so maybe they can make a boxset in these 2 months
  17. yes exactly, im stanning her since july 2012 ( i don't know if LB was existed at this time but i discovered it in 2013) but ive never been here because im an arab and my english was sooo bad so i didn't feel like i really can communicate with the others thro this site so having an account in LB would be useless for me because i couldn't even write more than one phrase and maybe ppl will make fun of me or they wouldn't even understand what i'm saying.. my point is your joining date doesn't really indicate the date you became her fan, and it doesn't make you less than the others.. at all so please stop shading the newbies <3 FOR THE RECORD I BELIEVED THE TRACKLIST UNTIL I SAW NICKI MINAAAAAJ
  18. 50 days left till LFL yes im using a countdown app
  19. gurl im new and i've never harmed anyone pls don't say such a thing So leaked has been banned, honestly sometimes i believe that he's just a hater anyway i don't know i wish him a happy life
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