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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. im so sorry i'm really sorry.. you literally made my day thank you for the effort.. sorry again pls ignore my dumb ass comment
  2. baby she's doing this every day with no album release date
  3. so yeah it must be Flaunt wow it's shipped faster than elle.
  4. i got an email for a shipment but i don't know if it's for elle or Flaunt? its from something called Luis Barajas
  5. i love the fact that lana can make us so fucking desperate in every era like we never learned before you have to do it asap!!
  6. hopefully it will be much better than the previous one.. i didn't like it that much
  7. pls are you playing with us or this shit is REAL pls
  8. done! please guys give me stores names that you know so i can google their emails and email them
  9. thank you so much! please guys if you know some local stores give me their names so i can search for their emails
  10. that's why we should email another local stores could you guys give me some local stores emails so i can ask them?
  11. i don't know.. i don't think it would make any change
  12. shit do you think they asked them to act like they have no idea?or they really have no idea
  13. SOOOOOOO LFL will be out on July 21.. 2 months..... wow wow wow Yet she didn't say anything so i hope it would be in June BTW : thank you for your kindness guys.. Can't believe how pure/ kind you are! Thank you my brazilian friend! and you're right.. we can't be compared to any bad country in this world.. like.. this is hell i know thank you so much for these honest/ purse words of yours.. you literally made my day guys like that's why i said im surviving because of the internet.. it helps me a lot.. make me realize how the world looks like.. how people are living and how kind are they.. since they're teaching us in our schools ppl who do not believe in our religion would burn in hell.. what a bullshit.. they feed us the hate since we were born you have to feel lucky, i know you're not in the best situation but you're waaaaay way better than me so please.. be thankful for your life! thank you so much! i hope that so <3 thank you so much my darling, i hope that soo.. and i believe that i'll make change one day, at least i won't fall in love/ marry a closed minded guy, i'll be with someone who respects my rights so my kids will be free, i don't want them to face what i've faced.. this is the most important step.. since marriage is the solution Thank you my love! never read something so real before.. like i finally saw someone who said the opinion that based on a something real.. without trying to make the ugly truth looks beautiful.. and it was a joke every woman laughed about when we the UN honored this country as a country witch supports women's rights! that was a very bad/sad joke.. I hope one day any powerful country can help us.. i actually wonder why they do not help us.. many girls are in jail now because they tried to skip from the country.. for example check this hashtag #SaveAshwaqandAreej or #SaveDinaAli these were lucky because they could inter their fathers accounts and press the permission choice by themselves.. but guess what? Dina Ali now in jail, they took her by force from Philippine and return her to KSA they did not credit him
  14. don't be!!! and i really felt fine that we're getting out of my subject bc of the thread haha and you're so lucky, all of you who are living a free life, wearing whatever you want.. and falling in love/ dating/ cuddling with your lovers or even going to some concerts you really should feel lucky, the last time i met my bf was 4 months ago even when we are living in the same city haha.. bc if the police catch us and knew that we are not married we will be in the jail (not kidding).. so yeah guys you are so lucky. appreciate your lives please!
  15. people keep dragging her bc of Coachella http://www.vanyaland.com/2017/05/16/new-sounds-lana-del-reys-coachella-woodstock-in-my-mind-should-stay-in-the-vip-tent/ i don't understand why even when she tries to please them they try to find a way to drag like they used to drag her bc she doesn't pay attention to the society stuff, and when she does they also drag it i also believe the producing of the song is so bad and trash, but the lyrics are so pure/ honest poor lana this shit can affect on the sales too!!!!!!!
  16. yeah i'm muslim and i don't believe its haram either, but my country does
  17. yes it is sin "haram" due to our religion.. it should be without drums/piano.. etc (acapella) yeah but most of ppl already know about it so it wouldn't be a surprise
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