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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. it makes sense, now i know why she flew from UK to LA
  2. GOD IT SOUNDS STUPID WHEN I READ IT.. damn you know what? ok.. its a deal
  3. now i know most of you will make fun of me, but believe me if this shit was real and they really got a song called Angel i'll find you and i'll let you buy me Paradise boxset (costs more than $800)
  4. did you notice that she capitalized the word angel in her instagram post? ( i think capitalizing such as these words should be for titles, right?) and she used this word twice well i know im an overthinker but lana siad ingredients will be found online so yeah ( GOD IM DUMB AND OVERTHINKER I KNOOOOW BUT I CANT HELP IT GAYS) pls i know its stupid af but i just wanted to share this thought with you
  5. Im not a fan of her but I'm so happy for their mutual fans Like imagine how happy they are rn!! Yay Lana said this album is for my fans.. and this was the best thing for their mutual fans since they are many
  6. "it's easy to cross the line and turn it into an obsession." thank you so much for this advice.. i've been always judging the annoying fans especially those who in the other fandoms.. who crossed the line between a fan and an annoying/rude/obsessed person im sorry again for this word.. told you what i meant was "she needs to say many things: LFL music video, LFL album..etc" but wow nighty night people
  7. yes it is so hard.. english & arabic are totally different maybe it would be easier for me if it was spanish bc they almost the same anyway.. this is Lana, nothing new but at the end i know we will get LFL.. when? nobody knows sorry for the meltdown tho.. it's 12:43 AM here and i have finals tmw so i'm stressed already pls forgive me if i said something was totally wrong.. i didn't mean it
  8. well im not english native speaker maybe i misused the word OWE but what I meant.. she should say something bc she respects her fans who are waiting for her she can take off the album she can quit music she can even be a stripper its her life and i will never even try to change or say something against that but what i wanted to say we need something to be told.. as fans im sorry if i used the vocabulary in a very wrong way (and don't try to shade my weak english pls like "go take some english courses" because in Arabia the english learning is so damn weak but im at least trying ) anyway sorry again no it's totally fine my dear.. i got your point and now i got why word "owe" made people mad bc i misused it i know that already anyway what i wanted to say.. we are her fans and we need to hear/know something this silence is so annoying anyway.. sorry my dear.
  9. "scary" ha? lmao well if you do not give a shit about this stuff and you're being sooo patient somebody DOES let people say whatever they want.. mind your own damn business.. i've never quoted you and tried to give you some shitty comments about your opinion.. so mind your own business again.. thanks
  10. believe me, she owes me MANY THINGS she's not Lizzy anymore (the girl that nobody knows about her) .. she has many fans who are waiting and exited for her album, she said this album is for you and they keep asking her in comments, tweets, everywhere she has to say something this silence stressed the shit out of her fans she can at least say anything like is there LFL video? is the May 26 even true? like i'm a fan of her for 5 years and i know this is the normal lana.. but she has to do anything.. she can take a video saying anything to her fans about the album like what she did with Love.. she just opened the cam for 3 mins and made all of her fans happier.. when she talked about it i bet she believes that people don't even care.. while they actually do
  11. i told this to myself too then i remembered that she did the same in HM era especially with the V magazine
  12. this isn't fair at all you said this album is for your fans.. you can at least say something about it on your instagram stories since all you do is recording stevin's dogs and stella's moves at her songs why does she act like there's nothing "coming soon" at all the trailer make you feel like oh there's something well planned coming and this era won't be like the previous ones but sadly, she did better in UV
  13. she has no plans sis lana is good at talking only,, no actions
  14. ikr!!!!!! most of her arab fans asking me if this tracklist was real.. in fact, most of her fans believed it already did you guys see the tweet with the tracklist says Marina Ft lana? it got more than 4K rts!!!!! god anyway, i hope the album won't be out on may 26 bc we got only 3 weeks and she did 0 promo maybe its in the beginning of june since it will be out in spring
  15. hello guys i just got my magazine (US,Delaware) hope you get yours too!
  16. so happy for you! congrats, say hi to the neeeeeeew life
  17. LMAOI have to see a therapist bc of someone who thinks he's so cool bc he's so mean to ppl with no reason The only thing we have to do with ppl who are like you is IGNORING them After this comment your comments will never show up to me so don't bother yourself again my dear Anyways We got another day with nothing She only mentioned LFL single on her FB page today
  18. I told him I have no idea about other artists and he still wants to be mean with me Never mind, I'm sorry again
  19. please don't be mean im asking a question bc i have no idea about this and most of u stan multi artists that's why am asking cuz you know better than me
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