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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. I miss Bradley so much https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/88/35/e8/8835e84d474df3526c7f00966da481b7.jpg he gives the best vibes whenever he shows in any era
  2. yeah they were photoshopped in David's studio but the photos arent taken from another photoshoots its illegal
  3. if you wanna order it it will coast $28 shipped to US but i guess lana is not on the cover.. right? damn http://www.flaunt.com/store/issue-154
  4. beautfiul ppl When the world was at war we kept dancing - not sure if it's in the album
  5. can anyone tell me if the "when the world was at war we kept dancing.” will be on the record or not?
  6. “Well, I have a song that’s quite aware about the collective worry, about whether this is the end of an era. It’s called “When the world was at war we kept dancing.” But I actually went back and forth about keeping it on the record, because I didn’t want it there if it would make people feel worse instead of better. It’s not apathetic. The tone of the production is very dark, and doesn’t lead to a fucking happy feeling. And the question it poses: Is this the end of America, of an era? Are we running out of time with this person at the helm of a ship? Will it crash? In my mind, the lyrics were a reminder not to shut down or shut off, or just don’t talk about things. It was more like stay vigilant and keep dancing. Stay awake.” I FUCKING HATE THIS... DID SHE TAKE THE SONG BACK????
  8. the song isn't in the album yet i see some ppl everywhere complaining about the theme of the album bc of the song see? people like to complain about anything
  9. I didn't listen to the song it's not available in my country yet I didn't mean this song either I was talking about this bc someone mentioned that Lana's songs are always wonderful when she sings about her men So that's why I shared my thought and yeah I got your point.. and Lana once said she prefers to write when she's in love So yeah you got a great point
  10. I love Lana when she sings about her men You can easily notice her pure feelings Maybe bc ppl kept blaming her why she doesn't pay attention to the troubles that happened to the society she decided to take a new step and put these stuff into her new album to please the other ppl? Idk But, she's a singer who wants to share her experience thro the melodies .. she isn't responsible about the society if she actually doesn't care.. the artist should only sing/write about his pure/honest feeling, so his lyrics can easily touch us even if we didn't share the same experience .. that's why I always prefer Lana when she sings about her men.
  11. guys it's 3PM (14 May) in her place she can't share the link while its not May 15th.. bc the song won't be available on US itunes she probably wait until it's May 15th
  12. Lmao you keep saying you love her but when she releases a song that you didn't like you say she should retire? like ok you can dislike it without these shitty comments about "why she should stop singing" idek why some ppl think the world is about them.. no sweetie.. she can drop whatever she wants either we like it or not no shade tho.. im talking in general
  13. It's coming now it's Available in Taiwan iTunes https://twitter.com/lanadelreyarabs/status/863805621497409542
  14. Available in Taiwan iTunes only https://twitter.com/lanadelreyarabs/status/863805621497409542
  15. I can't believe it's the same song that she sang on Instagram Like that part was heavenly.. so heavenly What did you hate about it? I didn't listen to it yet
  16. Gays when do you think it will be on iTunes Like.. usually how many hours Spotify ahead of iTunes?
  17. She almost did that with HBTB too Gays which one is worse.. HBTB or Coachella?
  18. Spotify isn't available in my country I want to listen it on iTunes come on Lana I feel disppointed bc of your reviews guys.. is it that bad?
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