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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. y'all is it right lana now is the best selling female artist on the world? ppl keep saying that on twitter
  2. yes i saw this it was posted by my favorite LDR update acc on twitter and i shocked (well of course it will be my fav acc since its the only arabic source for her lmao )
  3. YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD US EARLIER you know what i feel better now, at least i knew that it will deliver at the end did you try to mention them on twitter? i only saw one girl was complaining she was from EUR
  4. idk i think she'll ignore it as what she did with Angels Forever
  5. i fucking hate this.. been sending them emails but they never respond wtf now i wish that i ordered them from ebay even if they would be more expensive i think i'll get it with the LFL boxset together
  6. fuck them they didn't ship to my US mail
  7. y'all being aggressive to someone cuz he was enjoy thinking? but when it comes to your theories woooow its related woow its so deep? wooow lana is so smart???? try to learn how to respect the others, other than that yes lana reads the bible and when she shared that video watching A$ap you can notice the virgin Mary photo(cant remember if it was photo or figure) + the bible and let's not forget the Let There Be Light phrase she took it from the bible so respect the others, for me i think its amazing but not related but simply i won't hurt no one just bc i don't find it LOGIC!!!
  8. anyone got the Dazed full interview? i'm sure we'll get more stuff
  9. for the record, nabil is the director of Freak music video aka UV video
  10. yes its hella good compared to love i was afraid it would be as love lyrics but thank god and its way longer!
  11. a bunch of joy killers. i'd believe in god again just to pray for you negative minds
  12. you didnt get what i mean F.EX BAR: You used to dance underneath my architecture LFL: Dance on the H of the Hollywood sign. BAR: My Boyfriend is cool as heck LFL : My Boyfriend is back and he's cooler than ever i mean, theyre kinda similar i know lana used to repeat the phrases but idk i don't think the song would be on LFL
  13. i didn't mean the people who didn't like it. sorry for the misunderstanding im one of those who didn't like the song that much and i personally dont like Abel at all i meant those ppl who tried to convince the others who are happy w the song that the song is so bad let ppl enjoy the song. don't be aggressive w them just bc they like the song unlike you
  14. guys don't you think BAR won't be on the album? cuz LFL and BAR lyrics are kinds similar i don't want it to be with Angels Forever ugh
  15. joy killers can you shut the fuck up wtf with these ppl who cant stop comparing for once!!!
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