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Everything posted by whitelungswhitepalms

  1. Ugh now I’m thinking I should keep trying to see if these are reallllll, I gotta calm down I’m spiraling
  2. Literally why I went all out with trying to figure this out, had my bottle of gin ready
  3. my heart was pounding at one point then i realized, bitch were gonna get this album in a month CHILLLLLLLLLL, so i stopped it was fun tho
  4. im gonna give up fksjdlhflksdjfhas, someone on dbree said its just renamed songs sooooooooo i will not be continuing.
  5. listen, i wont be posting any of the files if it is real, and if elle wants to delete the posts i would respect that
  6. i wish i had a windows computer cause theres so many programs to unzip the file when its pw protected but alas i have a Mac, i saw this program online. king behaviour
  7. i backed up my mac a few days ago and deleted all my files in the hardrive, so no information they could get from my files. still sketch but my thirst is really high
  8. it doesnt show the track lengths, it doesnt even open because i still need the password still trying some things tho
  9. i still need the password but i did something and the file opened up with the names, but the files are at zero bytes which means (i think) i still need the password to open them
  10. Coming to say that Chemtrails is fucking everything, I haven’t stopped playing it sheeeessshhhh i can NOT wait for the trio of the century, WHITE DRESS COCK TULSA MUDHAFUCKING JESUS FREAK
  11. I agree, she was called out for her comments that were misinterpreted and she really didn’t communicate well with her posts, but I think she addressed it pretty well in the video since she was commenting about herself as well as the trump comments etc I think she cleared up her comments AND the things people we saying about her
  12. Wasnt it about her tho? She was criticized literally about what SHE said and stuff ABOUT her, sheesh she addressed it, and if it’s not more clear now then idk try to hit her up in the comments
  13. And talking more about if people just start going off you know about how she’s going crazy or she needs a new cocktail, Yes she’s taking meds, saying that is an observation. Quoting isn’t the problem here but people thinking they have to talk about what she needs to change her meds and she needs to go back to an institution is not what we’re about to do. THAT isn’t an observation, just an attack on her mental health issues just being wary and cautious ,cause we don’t know what she’s going or has been going through I think we should send her love since this is the first time she’s ever said she’s on meds etc lets just be respectful ❤️
  14. One thing we’re not gonna do here is talk about her mental health and joke about institutions I understand it was unhinged but let’s be careful with our wording
  15. No for the next album, she said she always has four she loves for the next album after one is done
  17. Omg if I bought the CD I’m fuming but I’ll just buy the vinyl
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