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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. Pretty much:




    Also, I've been wanting to go to Coney Island ever since I first saw Uptown Girls (Suddently realizing that's ten years ago, holy~)


    The Spinning Teacups has always been a favorite of mine. It's a shame I won't be spinning around in Coney Island then I guess... I'll just lie down here on the floor and drown my sorrows watching Lizzy spin round and round in circles infinite amount of times:


    My favorite song ever written and performed by you is "Driving In Cars With Boys". To me it just fits to any occasion. It's quite enjoyable especially whilst sitting in the back of a car looking out the window and having one of those philosophical moments~

  3. Ehm, sorry for the n00b question, but do you buy merch before or after the show? Usually I don't bother with it at concerts cause it tends to be atrocious, but Lana's looks so great to me I need it  :defeated:

    We could buy merch before and after the show. Although I advise you not to buy a huge ass Lana poster before the show because it will most likely look like a mess afterwards.



    Indeed there is. I've been looking crazy for an image on it because I saw one not that long ago. If I remember correctly It's golden and it says "Born To Die" with a little swirl underneath it. 

  5. Fordham Road 11
    Get Drunk 31
    1949 30
    Dum Dum 17
    Heavy Hitler 17
    Afraid 17
    Fake Diamond 7
    Butterflies 6
    American Dream 12
    Kinda Outta Luck 15
    Pin Up Galore 15
    Never Let Me Go 14
    Miss America/Trash Magic 22
    Hollywood's Dead 16
    Prom Song (Gone Wrong) 12
    Methamphetamines 17
    On Our Way 17
    Velvet Crowbar 20
    Driving In Cars With Boys 19
    Live or Die 11

  6. Sorry, but I have never ever seen these being used...


    :crying3:  :gurl:  :bye:  :mj2:  :smokeney:  :usrsney:  :cryney:  :crey:  :come:  :brows2:  :drag:  :bop2:  :kim:  :read:  :kris:  :understand:  :wipe:  :OG:  :slay:  :lilithmon:  :whip:  :icant2:  :sideeye:  :xtina:  :blanche:  :dorothy:  :blanche4:  :blanche5:  :blanche6:  :dorothy2:  :dorothy4:  :noteeth:  :et:


    you just used them, checkmate :troll:

  7. Edit this to your profile Rafael #lel :


    ~ QUEENS ~


    ♛ Lana Del Rey 

    ♛ Florence + The Machine

    ♛ Marina And The Diamonds


     ~ KINGS ~


    ♛ Barrie-James O'Neill 

    ♛ Hamish Fingland

    ♛ Lewis Andrew 

    ♛ Chris Potter



  8. I got so inspired by DUKE I wanted to create my own thread about my show experience, then I remembered I started this one. So I'll write it here. It won't be as long and beautiful as his story, but I'll make it "short" and consistent:




    So, I came to the venue at 7 am. and there were already people in line. I got number #20 and it felt as a reasonable number. I went all by myself so I didn't really know anyone there, although I did become friends with the people first in line as they handed out my number. It just kind of happened automatically since I was so happy to finally meet people as passionate about Lana as I was in real life. They where all really lovely. All of them were hardcore Gaga fans so we got along very well. They had been in the queue since 10 AM the day before! The rest were all pretty basic who've probably never even heard AKA (Representing LB, yo)  :OG:


    Anyway as the day progressed more people gradually got to the venue and the number system worked up to the point were over 200 people had gotten their name and number scribbled down. Almost everyone queueing yesterday felt it was a really persistent and fair system and I agree. Just as we were about to be let in to the venue there were these two guys and a girl that didn't respect the system though. Everyone was so mad at them and we even talked to the security. They were like "It's good you have a system and all, but yeah we're not responsible for whatever, bla bla." 

    The doors to the venue opened at 17.30, in which they later on checked the tickets and made sure we didn't carry anything illegal etc. Thankfully they didn't notice the Metamphetamines I had in my left pocket on my iPod.


    After we were let in, we had to wait an additional hour inside where we could buy merch and go to the toilet etc. At ~18.30 we were finally let in to walk up to the stage. At one point I was so bedazzled by the stage work art that I actually tripped and almost fell down flat on the floor.

    So I saw other people walking faster towards the stage to try to get to the front row and thanks to my long legs I walked past most of them and I ended up exactly at the front opposite to the left last step of the stair where Lana comes was about down. At this point I was so happy I could almost hear my heart start pounding. (That very same girl in the queue that was so arrogant ended up next to me at the front and can I just say she had no facial expression throughout the whole concert whatsoever let me tell you, I mean zero, nada. In comparison I was having this karaoke festival along with the lyrics and said "Woo!" probably infinite amount of times.) 


    We waited for an hour and half and at 8 PM Kassidy got up on stage. They were so sweet! I just have to mention this one thing they did: The days between Hamburg and Stockholm they had been on Twitter a couple of times tweeting all these random things. I decided to ask them if they needed any swedish welcoming phrases. In which they later on accepted and I gave 'em some. I remember thinking they probably just had forgotten them at this point, however as the show later on begun they shockingly started to use so many of them! I was so proud :oprah:

    They later on decided to give a huge shout-out "to the guy who had given them the welcoming phrases" and I've never felt so special in front of so many people before  :flutter:


    They finished after playing People Like Me and told everyone to buy their mini album on iTunes that they conveniently released the day I saw them. The next thing that happened is so unbelievable I don't even-

    You see, as I was looking around I started seeing how packed the place really was. People were pushing everywhere, it got hot and here it comes: seven girls fainted before Lana even got out. They had these security guards at the front with water bottles to keep the people from not being dehydrated. An addition of five other young ladies fainted along as the show went on, but that's acceptable. I'm just glad I wasn't one of them. It did however delay the show for another twenty minutes or so, but it worked out in the end anyway.


    Then, out of the blue the curtains fell down and people were screaming so loud. Music started playing and people were cheering. She were nowhere to be found, and then we heard some instrumentals to Cola playing and the screaming just got even louder but I didn't really know why until I saw what queen bee herself  :defeated:


    Before the show, me and the people who were at the front decided to each buy her a rose in which we would threw up to her at the beginning of Cola. She seemed so happy to see some flowers and picked one up and continued singing...

    As she sang she came down to the front and everyone wanted to touch her and/or get an autograph. I don't know if it was due to the fact that she was looking so breathtakingly beautiful or if the people behind me squeezed me so hard when I touched her hand, but I almost felt like passing out at that very moment. I still fangirl about it, you'll understand if you ever get that close someday. 


    I don't know what else to say, the show was absolutely amazing and she stated that this was the best one yet (umad Amneville/Copenhagen/Hamburg?) :troll:


    As she finished singing National Anthem she left the stage and all of us knew it was over. We decided to go to her tour bus and stalk her for a little bit longer, but she were no where to be found. We did however come across Chris, Lewis and Hamish from Kassidy and it made me so happy (James and Lana were gone, leave the rest up to your imagination here~) We ended up talking with them for about a half our and took pictures, asked them questions etc. I congratulated Lewis to the new mini album. I also told him I was the "phrase guy" and he was like "oh, thayht wez yu?" (scottish, yurr) and we both started laughing. Then they had to leave. 

    I was a tad upset not to se Lana afterwards, but all and all it was an awesome day. I just feel so privileged and blessed to see both Kassidy and Lana live. 


    Here are some pictures from the show:
























    Ata and yayo, this one goes out to you~






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