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Posts posted by Rafael

  1. It's funny, i was just thinking about this the other day and i had an epiphany of sorts. When i sent her a message with a link to the Money Hunny cover i recorded, i addressed her as Lizzy. I'm not sure why i did that, but i didn't give it much thought. I guess i thought it was cute and personal (why did i feel like i needed to be cute and personal?) Since then, for unrelated reasons, i've been thinking about stuff like identity and different trangender issues, and in thinking about some of these things, i suddenly realized that it was in very poor taste to call her Lizzy because it disregards or overrides her decision. It's almost like taking away a person's agency and putting a decision that is not yours in your hands. It's presumptuous and even condescending. I don't think it's really any different than a situation where someone is, say, born female and wishes to be referred to as "he" and not respecting that decision just because the person wasn't born male. She chose the name Lana Del Rey, so i think that decision ought to be respected. It's not our call to address her by anything else.   


    Perhaps some of you will think that i'm overthinking this and taking it too seriously, but i just thought i'd pass along my thoughts on the matter because i think it's worth thinking over. For whatever it's worth, i really regret calling her Lizzy.


    You're not overthinking it. I've been way too paranoid these last couple of days whether or not I should address it to Elizabeth. But you make a very valid point. Come to think of it, it really does sound kind of disregarding and tacky. The letter was written in a very personal manner and all, but that doesn't change the fact that it is Lana's music we all love and appreciate not "Elizabeth Del Rey's". Although I wouldn't mind addressing it to "Dear Sparkle Jump Rope Queen"  :hooker:


    Thanks for the perspective! I changed it to "Dear Lana" :)

  2. Funny, 'Dear Lana' is exactly how my letter to her starts. The letter I will hopefully be able to give to her.


    Sounds like a really sweet idea, might submit something if things don't work out the way I pray to. :flutter:


    I also wrote her a letter I plan on giving her. It started off by "Dear Elizabeth" tho. Too risky?  :assad:


    This sounds really cool! I would love to do something :mj:

  3. "TRON: Reconfigured" is amazing! 


    Fall, Rinzler, Derezzed and Solar Sailer   :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:


    Also original The Son Of Flynn, The Game Has Changed, Adagio For Tron, Derezzed and End Of Line   :flutter: :flutter: 




    Nevermind, the whole TRON soundtrack is a masterpiece. Both of them! Makes me wanna see the movie now  :ohno:

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