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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. So...Katy Perry has a new single coming out on the 31st May... :
  2. SKSKKSS that doesn't sound like Jeff at all but ugh....maybe he was drunk or something. :toofunny: dammit sia Imagine if Lana covered Song to the Siren
  3. Okay I will admit that I'm the biggest Jeff Buckley cultist out there, but I genuinely believe Jeff could do no wrong because he was just a really good guy with good intentions until the day he died. He wasn't rude, he wasn't an asshole, wasn't problematic (at least to my knowledge). Whereas with Lana...we know she can be problematic af. That's why I find it funny when people are quick to defend her on so many things all the time.
  4. The plane and the explosion emoji seems pretty uhh.....insensitive? Idk why Courtney would choose to comment those on MEMORIAL day.
  5. Then she can say what the reason is. Even if she doesn't want to, maybe fans will stop bombarding her insta posts with comments about NFR. And obviously complaining about it won't change anything, but it's good to vent.
  6. Look, it's simple. She's been dangling the idea of a new album in front of us since last year. I think everyone has a right to be pissed off at this point considering we STILL don't have any solid news from Lana or her team. Literally no one is mad about the snippets. No one is mad that she's living her life. She's on social media frequently, yet she chooses to ghost everyone's questions. It's like I said time and time again, if she gave us an update of some kind (via livestream for example), then most of us will appreciate it greatly and everyone's frustrations will simmer down and we'd be a lot more patient with this process.
  7. I can't even bother with this bitch anymore. I've officially had it. I've listened to other artists, I've tried to be positive about the wait, and before ya'll say "gO ouTsiDE" - BITCH I'VE BEEN OUTSIDE PLENTY. It ain't gonna make me forget about the existence of NFR. It may have worked for Lana but it hasn't for me. 1 year and 2 months ago she teased the HIAB snippet. 8 months ago she released MAC and VB. 4 months ago we got a single that was actually from the album itself. Lana doesn't even have the decency to let fans know what's up. Her tweet on her Daytona acc doesn't mean much either. "Who knows when it'll be out", okay well you could elaborate on that?? It ain't hard. Like if she said "it's gonna be a while BECAUSE this is what's happening............." I would be completely okay. I would be forgiving. I would be more patient. But she has been quiet af and straight up ignoring fans questions about the album and tbh it's just rude?? At the end of the day, in a buiness sense, NFR is the product you're selling to your fans, and when the artist themselves don't even acknowledge it's and try to sell that product, how the fuck can you expect fans to be excited about it and give them your money? Yeah I know NFR is gonna do well anyway, but there's still that small majority of people (as such as myself) who doesn't want to be one of those bums to give her my money. I'm not even sorry. Obviously when this era starts to pick up then I'll be around again. Hell, I didn't stick around this long to not finally enjoy this era when the good things start coming. But right now? I'm done. I can't even bother to post a teeny tiny emoticon to display my dissatisfaction with this mess. I'm outie.
  8. I was gonna say to ya'll that people can have a drink in moderation...but then I thought 'well you wouldn't say that to someone who used to be drug addict so...."
  9. Lana don't post anything unless it's about NFR challenge
  10. Lana followed a mermaid on Insta to give us a hint that she's doing a song for the live action Disney's The Little Mermaid. You heard it here first, folks.
  11. "I had a vision" Maybe she's telling us THAT is her vision. It's like when you tell someone "I had a dream last night". Maybe she didn't mean it to sound past tense, but she's just telling us "I had a vision...and I'm going bring some mermaid visuals to NFR"
  12. Well it's possible Lana wanted to tweak it somehow and then they said no
  13. I think label contracts are the only thing stopping Lana at this point. If my memory serves me correctly, I read somewhere that record label contracts last for 5 years max, then artists sign another one if they want to continue making music with said label. Wasn't Lana signed in 2011? If so, that means her first contract was up in 2016. So in order to make LFL, she needed to re-sign it, which means she's held to the label until 2021. However, if she was signed in 2012, that means her contract would be up in 2017 (she made most of LFL in the year before, right?) so now her contract will be up in 2022 since she probably signed it again. I could be completely wrong though. So take it with a grain of salt.
  14. It's a good theory, but being a major record label, wouldn't they have been aware of the cost beforehand?
  15. "All you have to do is change everything" - maybe the exact words from her label? "I had a vision" - meaning she had a vision but was forced to change it to please the label.
  16. I just find it funny how one simple tweet from Lana can make this all go away. Just for her to say "this is why NFR isn't out yet...yada yada yada etc." LIKE SIS. Keep your cryptic musty tweets on a private account instead of your main, for the love of god were losing it!!!!!
  17. Thank god I'm not a gemini. I can't imagine living life this messy.
  18. Freak 2.0 incoming I wouldn't even be mad, that's like one of the best songs on Honeymoon, and the MV is absolutely stunning. Maybe she's looking back on her older work and getting a little nostalgic because she realises she hasn't been a true visionary this era.
  19. Lmfao I thought Lana was smarter than this. Clearly not.
  20. Uhh was this at Hillsong? https://twitter.com/delreyxmafia/status/1131647371996278785
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