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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. No one is saying Lana is homophobic, but just by going to this church, she is bringing them exposure. As are all of these other celebrities, and just because other celebrities go to the church too, it does not make it okay. Anyways I'm done with this discussion, I need to take a breather.
  2. Did Lana actually go to churches though? I mean, perhaps when she was younger but I haven't been aware of her going to church in her adult years. Then again I don't keep up with her current whereabouts. And not all churches have the same history, keep in mind. But with Hillsong their past is legitimate.
  3. If Lana wanted to go somewhere with hipstery atmosphere and music, then she could have skipped to Yosemite park with a boombox and incence sticks, not a bloody church with a history of gay conversion therapy and child sexual abuse.
  4. well I'm just assuming Lana cherry picked parts of Catholicism which she chose to believe in, and not the entirety of the religion.
  5. I think it makes a huge difference tbh. Beforehand, I just assumed Lana was a catholic who made her own rules, but still believed in God while still being accepting of the LGBT community. But actully going to a church which has a dark past....that's fucked up.
  6. This is why I don't fuck with religion. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, but thank goodness I have changed my views because no matter how much you try and sugarcoat being a follower of God, you can't escape from all of these church's fucked up pasts. Lana please get a brain.
  7. What's funny is that everyone on Twitter worships Chris Pratt but I've always got a bad vibe from him. Looks like I was right
  8. ew why would ANYONE want to join this church? She might as well become part of the Scientology cult while she's at it
  9. "But Hillsong has a history of child sexual abuse and supporting so-called conversion therapy." lana sis.............................
  10. Just to make things more lively on here, I think we should make polls based on the cover art. Like for example: 1. Will it be textless? 2. Which color will it be? 3. Will Lana smile on it? 4. Will it be shot by Chuck? (although that's a given) Just something to keep us from going crazy I guess
  11. Lana going to churches to pray for strength to deal with us gays asking for Cinnamon 24/7
  12. in the car, in the car, in the backseat i'm your baby we go fast, we go so fast we don't move i believe in the place you take me make you real proud of your baby
  13. I know I asked this before but didn't get an answer, but does anyone know the name of the site in which the LFL tracklist got leaked? Surely the NFL tracklist must be out there somewhere...
  14. No wonder why January is the most boring month of the year...
  15. I just realised my sister is going to glastonbury....and she's not even a fan of Lana and this bitch gets to see her live? The audacity.
  16. Thank you! I don't know who made it, but a Lana fangpage on twitter posted them
  17. Only one week until February, hopefully she announces something until then
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