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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. My fave artist has been dead for 22 years sis, Lana is just lazy. Plain and simple. It's not about us being ungrateful, we just would like some steady news to hold us off until the release and she can't even give us a quick little update on things.
  2. Yall told me I was delusional for thinking she released MAC right after the whole Israel thing...but now ya'll are using your brain cells, praise the lord! I mean think about it. At that point the album wasn't even finished (mastering wise), so how could Lana determine WHEN to drop the first singles in order for the album hype to run smoothly? She needed news outlets to talk about new music, not the cancelled show, so BOOM! Two new songs. Having your fans wait SIX months afterwards is ridiculous, and I fail to accept that it was part of a well thought out promo strategy by Lana and her team. also sorry if this sounds muddled but it's almost 3am
  3. Because we knew Lana was a loose Catholic. We know she supports the LGBT community, she's clearly had sex before marriage etc so I highly doubt she conforms to all the traditional rules of Catholicism. That's why we never had a problem with it. But her going to this church is both a stinger, and a disappointment because of what this church still stands for, even in this modern age where were supposed to be progressing.
  4. Yeah it is bad, but it would be worse if she went along knowing about it.
  5. That's what I'm hoping. I'm hoping she was just too lazy to read about the place.
  6. Not all of them you dimwit, there are actually good churches out there that don't do that fucked up shit.
  7. NO ONE HAS A PROBLEM WITH LANA BEING A CATHOLIC WE HAVE A PROBLEM BECAUSE SHE ATTENDS HILLSONG CHURH AKA A FUCKING CHURCH THAT HAS GAY CONVERSION THERAPY AND A HISTORY OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE GET THAT INTO YOUR THICK FUCKING SKULLS Believe it or not, I'm sure you can def find a church out there that's not corrupt and slimey like Hillsong. Ya'll just don't want a stain on her reputation so you can carry on stanning in ignorant bliss. Imbecils.
  8. 'a bit ignorant' is a HUGE understatement lmfao
  9. No one here thinks she's sacrificing homosexuals. It's what the church stands for (gay conversion therapy to name a few things) and Lana is somewhat a part of the problem when she goes there in attendance with her LA airhead friends.
  10. Oh definitely. I myself have encountered many lovely Catholics too. But Lana really is ignorant, and only seems to call other people out instead of herself.
  11. Most catholics (like Lana) are hypocrites. Disappointed but not surprised.
  12. I'm actually starting to dislike her as a person more and more tbh
  13. The only good that can come out of this is that we might get Paradise 2.0
  14. I tried IYC and Cinnamon but nothing showed up...so does that mean they're not even registered yet?
  15. At this point I'm just hoping she was too lazy to read up in the history of the place, but I'd also hate to think she goes there regularly knowing about what went down.
  16. I don't really like Lana's personality all that much and I never really have. Like obviously she's sweet and kind, but she has an airhead quality to her that's hard to ignore. Her artistic persona is amazing, and her writing and music is top notch which cannot be topped nor compared, but her as a person....eh.
  17. Happy 900 pages, can't wait to get to 1,000 without any abum news!
  18. If it's a summer release then she might as well make a new album because HIADT has aged like milk already. MAC and VB are still amazing, but they would be pretty old at that point.
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