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Posts posted by Flowerbomb

  1. This is about the artist Lana Del Rey that we love pretty much unless she serves us bore after bore like on Comamoon.


    We want to see her live, we want to watch her perform, we want to read her interviews, we want to hear her songs on the radio.


    I am really baffled that some of us bring it doing to only being interested in sales. Like don't you ever talk with that tone to me, I was here for her since summer 2011, I supported her in every fight online, bought her shit etc. 

    We only point out that it IS A SHAME that because of the lack of exposure and I am sure TV shows don't even want to book her at this point, because they see her as a weak performer and loser, she is losing fans that other artists pick up thankfully.

    I mean, I can see it a shame because she's mega talented but I just don't think she'll go that far with promo again, I think it drained her.

  2. This is the strangest fanbase ever with some very special snowflakes. Her own fans don't want to see her giving interviews, don't want her to perform her new songs, don't want her to be played on the radio, just because they think Lana can not handle the heat.


    She is simply not owning her new material. She plays it safe and sings the songs that her "true fans" according to defenders of her behaviour, like the least.

    Interviews? I mean, that would be great but even Lana said so herself that giving interviews is depressing so....


    I think the main problem is that some fans are absolutely fixated on her sales/promo. Just let it go.

  3. what potential is she using when she's only 6 years into her major label debut and the woman has already given up and doesn't promote doesn't perform on tv doesn't do interviews and only goes out to use her money. what potential is she using?


    we only know she's alive because she's spotted by paparazzi


    beyonce is using her full potential by performing, promoting, etc. and she's been in the business for years and hasnt run out of energy. even halsey promotes and she's a rat!


    lanas just a rookie yet she has completely run out of steam


    - streaming on instagram

    - instagram posts announcing releases

    - disappearing after releases for months

    - eras lasting about 2 months (other major label artists have eras lasting 1-3 years)

    - no performances

    - no interviews

    - mainly only performs in festivals in california

    woowww what usage of potential for a major label artist!

    Like I've mentioned before, she has recorded over 200 songs, hardly a waste if you ask me. She has used her talent well considering she's still young.


    Beyoncé is a different person from Lana, you have to remember that. Yeah, Beyoncé does shit ton to promote herself but it doesn't mean Lana has to do the same, let the girl do what she wants whichever way she feels best. I think at the height of her career during BTD she was pretty depressed because of all the attention so it's understandable if that has put her off from promoting herself today,

  4. That's not really a good reason to squander buzz.





    But she's not using any of this potential, so it is going to waste.





    Why do we need to respect them, though? Lana chose to become famous. She chose to be a singer. She chose to be signed to one of the largest record labels in the world. She could easily have ended up like hundreds of other failed musicians. Thus, her actions in regard to her job can and should be open to criticism and critique.





    tbh I don't understand the point of playing barely any songs from Paradise, Honeymoon, or Ultraviolence. she knows her fans, the people who pay to see her live, know her work, including her unreleased material. so there should be no problem with performing other stuff.

    She is using her potentional, just not in the way y'all want her to.

  5. At this phase I agree..Chuck looks beautiful and natural while Lana is touching her face I think

    In general I prefer Lana cause her beauty is more unique than Chuck's

    Yeah I think Chuck is more natural. You're right, Lana has a more unique look, also her nose is iconic.

  6. not only do we need to trust her decisions more, we need to respect them. she may have all this potential/talent but i'm pretty sure she's doing exactly what she wants and that's all that really matters.

    Exactly. If some fans want her to be this mega star, then they can just stick to Beyoncé cause I don't think Lana wants that kind of hectic life anymore.

  7. I didn't mean that don't misunderstood me pls

    I meant her works in general ( simply i don't like her works!)

    and yes I couldn't believe it wasn't photoshopped bc it looks unreal to me and most of her fans were complaining abt that  on twitter



    she will take some of promo photos but I think Krug is the one who took the album art 

    and what about Nichole? remember when she tagged Lana and Johnny Blue Eyes like 6 months ago? I wonder what was that for

    Tbh I would love Nicole to work on this album.. Or maybe photograph Lana for upcoming magazine articles

  8. I think Lana needs to do something completely new artistically not tweaking a style e.g.honeymoon,paradise I'm talking about changing it up completely like uv did.This could be in the vein of a grunge album or a horror album with the teases that eclipse made

    I couldn't agree more, honestly. I'm dying for either a grunge album or a 70's sex-funk sound.

  9. Lana has the potential to be MUCH bigger.

    Shes limiting herself purposely that's why people are complaining.

    It's frustrating seeing talent and potential being wasted.

    Just because she's not getting the fame and attention she used to doesn't mean her talent is going to waste. Lana has the potentional to do whatever she wants whether it be performing in stadiums or little concert halls. I think we all need to trust her desicions more...

  10. I can't at yall talking about Lana as if her albums barely debut in the top 30 and sell 10k copies. She has made her money and her abums pay back the finances her record label has spent to do they.

    You're all comparing her sales to when she was at the peak of her career in 2012/13, when she was one of the biggest names in the industry.


    Although she hasn't really done any promo in a long time UV has sold more than 1.3M copies and has around 400k combined streams on spotify. debuted at number one and had an almost sold out tour in the us.

    it's true HM sold just around 700k but that's more than most of the other alternative/pop girls and on spotify it has 200/300k streams which isn't that bad for that kind of album.

    If LDR5 doesn't get again any promo it may sell around 500k total but you know what, it's fine. She's playing the biggest festivals in europe as a headliner, she's still very well known (in Europe and in the US i would say most of the people have at least heard of her), she doesn't lose money in promoting singles that end flopping so I don't see any problem.


    Yall acting like she's on the level of Marinara and the Tomatoes or something where she's about to go bankrupt while she's probably planning on buying yet another 2million mansion in LA

    Exactly! All I keep thinking amongst these guys who are worrying about her sales is 'guys. She has like, 2 fuckin mansions, sit down.'

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