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Everything posted by deepseagemini

  1. I'm guessing International orders for the UO vinyl will be shipped after regular shipping within the USA?
  2. Fuck me I would've gone for sure but I just moved to Gaspé which is like 950km away No way I'd be driving 10h for this
  3. Can't understand why some of you are being that mean and disrespectful towards her. I loved the video; it's not her best but the cinematography and the atmosphere are perfect
  4. Omg I remember that silver jewel box she's talking about it was given to her in Montreal
  5. really sorry to bring it back up but I wanted some enlightenment
  6. I thought Lana was given this headdress by a native american when she went in a reserve to help fight alcoholism?
  7. EVENKO presale friday at noon! good luck
  8. Personally I'm coming 12h early and I hope with all my heart I will get to meet her. There won't be meet n greet passes according to the promoter
  9. I was wondering if Lana "trusts no one" or "believes in the kindness of strangers", isn't there a contradiction here?
  10. Even if she was talking about definitely leaving music, I doubt she will; she might just be going through a bad period with the recent leaks and all...
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