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Everything posted by 111

  1. where is this info coming from that there is another stint version and it's unleaked or the lost version? i dont believe this to be necessarily true but anyways i do have more unleaked versions of this i need to just go through the archives and figure it out - but just saying from the top of my head i remember stint only did one version
  2. me thinks 2014, i dont know anything about it being considered for cock the earliest versions from 2013 are done by both rick and patrick, patrick works on almost everything rick works on anyways, there's not a big separation there
  3. i have no idea what u are speaking of but the list in the OP looks correct to me although i never kept a track of say yes to recycling iterations... maybe the musicmafia tagged one is from hm too and y'all thought it was from uv? did musicmafia never say anything about the producer/year for that?
  4. say yes to allah, say yes to me... the song has been whored around and no one was able to get it quite right it's just a BAD song. recycled boring lyrics, boring vocal performance, cute melody and that's it... where is the same effort and attention to FINE GRAMMYS? if this didn't make it onto cocc/bb then i can only pray she finally laid it to rest... the one i leakedT? no thats from 2013
  5. 111

    Miley Cyrus

    the album cover/photoshoot is very fucking cool, i wont spill the title but the initials are ESV she is doing boxsets for the album, some beach towels and puzzle sets too i think lmao hint: very summery she is serving so much kunt...
  6. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    and it feels like we have lived an eternal summer...
  7. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    disco sweat has been leaking slowly but no one has caught up on it yet hungry heart is from disco sweat (#3), not dedicated sessions boomerang/ricoche is also from disco sweat (#2) tenderly is from disco sweat (#7) the entire thing is just a collection of rough concept demos, unlistenable imo
  8. i completely agree with this. giving up on months of memories and discussions for a song just to save it for that one time full album listening experience is not worth it imo. she clearly intends for something to be heard before the album if she releases it herself in advance. i manage to grow deeper connections with a song and can appreciate it more when it's the only thing grabbing my attention. it doesn't get lost when you have like a dozen other songs competing for your time. especially when some of those songs will likely to be better than the single. attention spans are short af nowadays and there's a plethora of music to be discovered so it is likely that someone will end up not having that quality time with the single(s) if they don't end up listening to it in advance. but anyways that's just me - i greatly enjoy listening to stuff before the album. it hypes me up, gives me an indication of what the album will be about and sound like, and it might also be my only chance to grow to love those songs if i end up thinking there's so many better tracks on the album down the line. i want to spend as much time with the singles as i can as lana intends you to do so before the record. her music deserves that kind of effort and attention.
  9. 111

    Charli XCX

    guys at the front really want it
  10. the way she teased the title track two minutes in and the way she perfectly explains qftc in a mature reflective way admitting she was wrong but it still felt right for her to express that... she has always been one step ahead even with her badly worded trump takes... her understanding of the narcissism plaguing the culture and politics and how he was a mirror held up to the society and our self centeredness and he needed to happen to show us that... and her knowledge on the human psyche and how we repeat our unconscious patterns... and she was able to articulate all that beautifully and gracefully on camera off painkillers and after she worked through her rage and grief
  11. she always says she is ill whenever she is occupied with a man whether it's going on holidays in italy or breaking up (slowly)... and cancels her professional duties... she is lucky the pandemic made us all forget about that and move on... we just didn't know it was gonna go from worse to worser (QFTC)... and again i blame the cop for that too!
  12. we all know they broke up in february and that's why the entire european tour was cancelled a few days before it was meant to start... the cop can CHOKE, it's on sight for me
  13. the way some of y'all seem to WANT her to quit music with how much you bring up this nonsensical discourse every era... go back to vinyl colours and tarot readings PLEASE and leave the most prolific artist of our generation ALONE i'd actually have a stroke
  14. 111

    Caroline Polachek

    pitched tracks mean that she wrote them to be sold to other people and she has no intention to use them herself
  15. 111

    Caroline Polachek

    you better run is an old pitch track that she made in like 2016, she never intended it to be released and was really annoyed that someone was even suggesting her to release it lol you need to let it go baby veinsonenion
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