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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. SKAM

    (i'm so not okay. i think for the 1st time in my life i was actually triggered by a work of fiction. i've been crying on/off for hours now & feel sf empty since i watched tonight's clip, i really don't have any other explanation for it. sorry if tmi.)



    ??? Wait what did I miss? Did I miss an Even/Isak clip? Was it bad?

  2. It's a really sad day here for a lot of Americans. A couple of my friends are going to lose their healthcare if this passes in the Senate and I feel sick to my stomach knowing that. I'm guessing it won't pass through the U.S. Senate, but who knows. Thank god I moved to California because we could be getting universal (single-payer) healthcare here. It just passed through the state Senate Health Committee (yay!) which means our healthcare would be federally funded by our state like most developed nations in this world 

  3. No, I don't believe she's overrated.


    edit: I don't even really like her though lol


    Do you agree that contraceptives should be easier to access in the US?

  4. Yes.


    Do you agree that communism is more regressive than progressive?




    Do you believe that the legal age to drink alcohol in the US should be 18 instead of 21?

  5. No, second worst next to yellow. 


    Do you agree that the US is being led by an incompetent, racist, misogynistic, authoritarian-borderline-theocratic kleptocratic kakistocracy?  :toofunny:

  6. I wait for you babe                          :oprah3:


    You don't come through babe        :oprah2:  


    You never do babe                          :oprah3:


    That's just what you do cause        :oprah2:



    I'M PRETTY WHEN I CRY             :oprah:

  7. OMG this all makes me so happy  :icant:  So I'm guessing the album is kind of going to be split in half, in terms of sound, based on what we know and what we've heard. I predict that the first part will be heavier in production and general sound like Lust for Life and the latter part will be the acoustic side so (1) whatever song Lana covers (2) Stevie Nicks collab (3) Sean Lennon collab (4) Yosemite. Love kind of feels like a bridge between the two, kind of how HBTB was the bridge between the first four tracks of Honeymoon and the next two or three since had the "muddy trap" sound in the chorus but the verses were more reminiscent of MTWBT, TLY, HM and GKIT because it sounded a little more cinematic as well. I am so excited for this record!! I'm hoping for/predicting 14 tracks but who knows  :flutter:

    The only thing I can think of is the planets that surrounded Lana cause Stevie has a song called 'Planets of The Universe' but it's very far fetched...

    Nah, I don't think that's too farfetched. I think you're possibly on to something, smartie  :kiss3:

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