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Posts posted by HunterSThompson

  1. Ship to Wreck - 15

    What Kind of Man - 16

    How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful - 18

    Queen of Peace - 16

    Various Storms & Saints - 16

    Delilah - 16

    Long & Lost - 15

    Caught - 8 kill ha, ladies  :hooker: 

    Third Eye - 16

    St. Jude - 16

    Mother - 16

    Hiding - 11

    Make Up Your Mind - 14

    Which Witch - 22

    Pure Feeling - 9

    Conductor - 15

    As Far As I Could Get -16 

  2. I can't bring myself to care as much about the release date as the worry if I'm gonna end up liking the album, ever since the pr for Love and Lana's perception that only teenage girls listen to her music I've been feeling kind of alienated and lfl or coachella did not help..

    Don't forget The Gays™...... Never EVER forget The Gays my friend

  3. Started reading parts of this thread, but my I don't think I can bring myself to do it. Without knowing if this was previously mentioned, here are some friendly reminders:


    1. Terrorism ≠ Islam so not all terrorists are Muslim, and not all Muslims are terrorists. ISIS is the furthest thing from representing anything truly Islamic; they've taken points of the Qur'an and transmogrified it to something sinister. Again, the religion of Islam is not inherently sinister.


    2. "Christian terrorism" is, in fact, still an issue. I posted earlier in this thread some recent incidents (in the US). Like I said before, terrorism is not specific to one ideology or one misconstrued interpretation of a certain faith.


    3. Finally, please understand that your words (yes, even online ones in our haven of Lanaboards) have real-world consequences. I briefly scrolled past accusations of a user being labelled as a "terrorist sympathizer." That's harsh, and probably wrong. It's so hard to understand the intention of one's argument/words, especially online... so please, guys, be a little more kind <3 I know terrorism is a serious threat that has been around since the beginning of time, and sometimes, it feels like no matter what we do it just won't stop. I feel that, too. Hard. A lot. I study politics and I feel drained after classes each day. Learning about this stuff every semester makes me look at the world in a dark way sometimes. It's so hard to fathom that we live in a world with so much hate and violence -- so please don't add to it with your words (unless u calling out a dumb bitch on here about Lana stuff).


    Being divisive about Islam and other faiths that have been wrongfully accused of being a hub for terrorism is playing into the hands of terrorists. Don't let them fool you into being fearful. Fear is lethal... But love and togetherness are lethal, too, because it's lethal for hate. Sorry if I sound cheesy, y'all, I just hate seeing this divisiveness. Love more <3 love and kindness (again, except when a bitch is being salty on the LFL thread) is so important. Imagine what Lana -- a woman we all love -- would think seeing us rip into each other, especially at a time like this? 


    Sorry if this is sounding like I'm trying to maintain some moral highground, I promise that's not what I'm doing. I just want to see more love here, that's all. 


    Well...that's all from me today, folks. If anyone wants to chat about this stuff, or anything else, I'm here always.  I love you all dearly x



    PS @sexwithme YOU LIVE NEAR AC? My whole family lives in Ocean City (like 10 minutes away) and tons of my family works in AC! That's so cool that you, presumably, live close to there ahh xxxx

    I was at the concert last night guys, worst thing I've ever experienced! Glad to be home now. 

     Hope all is well with you. I've been praying for everyone & you're in my constant thoughts. PM me if you want to chat about it and sort things out. I can't imagine what it must feel like but I am here if you need a listener x

  4. Love was a nice combination song+mv. LFL is just the opposite. It"s so bad that I have to say that she better cancels altogether the release of the album. We are talking about the title track and not about some bonus track. The whole Hollywod sign concept is just the expression of Lana's creative breakdown, it's nothing meaningful behind it. She needs to save what's good on the album, take her time, because this hodgepodge of half-baked or straight silly ideas will result in a major critical and commercial flop. The problem is that her fandom is not that forgiving as once was.

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