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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. I agree. I knew it wasn't going to be straight country because Lana always has a funny way of describing genres of her songs. Dance Till We Die was probably the closest to being country.
  2. The bridge in Yosemite. It's now in my top 5 Lana song moments.
  3. Maybe because I was thinking of Lizzy Grant the entire video. I'm also a sucker for skating/figure skating moves so that was a bonus.
  4. feeling bad for people who don't like Yosemite because this song is pure heaven
  5. Damn did this make anyone else cry a little? This video elevated an already outstanding song and album opener. The skating was also really beautiful.
  6. Somewhere with a nice forest or mountains if you're lucky enough to be near an area like that.
  7. First impressions: White Dress: Personally, this gives me unreleased Lizzy Grant vibes for some reason. The vocals in the chorus are jarring at first but it all comes together and makes sense. This song is simple but powerful. It packs a big emotional punch for me, especially on first listen. Tulsa Jesus Freak: Bop. Period. It reminds me of early 2000s Madonna in the best possible way. Wild at Heart: I didn't expect this to be so amazing due to all of the criticisms I read about this song. It's one of my favorites. Dark But Just a Game: It has a very cool sound and vibe. I immediately like the track but it feels like a bit of a grower. Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Gentle and ethereal. It feels like a good song to play when you're out in nature, obvi. Yosemite: My absolute favorite. It's even better than I could have imagined. An instant classic. I'm so glad that she saved this track for this album because this really is its home. Her voice, the instrumentals... it's so filled with wonder and mystery. Dreamy and perfect. It feels like I could listen to this song many, many more times and never get tired of it. One of the best of her career. Breaking Up Slowly: It's pretty but Nikki's vocals aren't my cup of tea. One of my least favorites. Dance Till We Die: This is more chill than I was expecting but it is still beautiful. I can see why this song helps to close the album because the lyrics are the essence of who Lana is these days. For Free: The voices are all lovely together. One of her best covers imo. *favorites are in italics
  8. I hope this is what she means
  9. Her caption made me sad. Wish she would specify what she means.
  10. Is this an album that the general public will get or is it more for us stans? Asking as someone who hasn't listened. I keep wondering how more casual listeners will receive it.
  11. For those who have listened: Besides AKA (and BTD), is COCC the most Lizzy Grant-esque album? If not, which album would you compare it to?
  12. I keep forgetting about the official album cover because the alternate cover is highly superior. From what I've heard about the album, it doesn't seem like the official cover really fits the album that well?
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