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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. Does anyone know what page on this thread the album leaked on so I can read the freakouts?
  2. Well this was shocking to see when I logged in. I'm going to be waiting until the release date to listen... but
  3. Let go of wanting White Dress and then it will come. There's a belief that manifesting something and then wanting it to happen too much stops it from happening. Probably not super applicable to a Lana track but it's generally good life advice.
  4. I always thought Charlie was just an artsy kind of chaotic hottie
  5. I wonder if Lynch has ever listened to Lana. He would def vibe with a lot of her work.
  6. I have a theory that she liked Josh because he looks like Michael Pitt in Boardwalk Empire, an actor who she once called hot in an interview.
  7. People are still going on about her "romanticizing abuse"? It's 2021 and people want their music to be stale, safe, and not about anything raw, emotional, or real I guess.
  8. Dude that photo on the left is old as hell. Are we also forgetting that weight gain can go to your face? Like jeez it's not that deep.
  9. I was picturing something a bit sexier than just his ass crack but i guess that's cool
  10. even though there's some editing here, this photo is so fucking pretty. the combo of her hair, her eyes, and the mask, and the black and white is so nice. one of my fav recent selfies.
  11. I agree. While I do think that Lana needs to get out of her comfort zone of using Chuck's photography so much, I don't think there's anything wrong with involving her family in her work. I do think there's something distasteful about how involved her friends are though. I'm hoping it's just a one-time thing for COCC and that her friends don't keep showing up in her music videos and definitely not on her album covers. I didn't mind her using Alex and Ashley from time to time because those are her dancers so they at least had some association with Lana's music. Using her random LA friends though... I hope it ends after this record...
  12. 24 is one of the best songs from Honeymoon.
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