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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. Honestly, the collabs are taking up a small portion of the album, so I'm not worried about them. I'm mostly sad that there's no Strawberry Fields Forever. But yeah, I trust her judgement. edit: just speculating, i have no idea
  2. I feel like something is coming either tomorrow or within a week. It would make sense with the magazine coming out, but it's just a feeling. Hope I'm right.
  3. I really hope she plays in America again this year because I've never seen her live.
  4. Lana loves driving fast. Perhaps that sentiment also applies to using her phone while driving.
  5. After seeing that Dazed cover, I've come to the conclusion that this might be up there with her prettiest eras. She has been looking very good lately.
  6. If Lana saw this forum she would cancel the album
  7. I really want to thank her parents for creating her
  8. This is the most beautiful and glam photo she has taken in a while. I'm dying.
  9. Born to Die - 47 Blue Jeans - 27 + Summertime Sadness - 9 National Anthem - 30 Ride - 50 Tropico - 32 Shades of Cool - 24 Love - 10 -
  10. Mermaid Motel. I would die happy. Also, she's performed it before but I want her to sing Million Dollar Man again the way she did in 2012. Same with Body Electric.
  11. I feel like I'm the only one who likes Guns and Roses lol
  12. This makes me think of a bright side of Ultraviolence. I also hope the Strawberry Fields Forever prediction is right...
  13. Not listening to her sounds incredibly difficult but goodluck D:
  14. Honestly, I just really need the tracklist... Just like everyone has already said, but still. To me, that's the most exciting part. I want to get more of a feel of how the songs will be. I expect more upbeat songs, but I imagine there will be some mellow or maybe even trippy songs. There is a 60s theme, afterall.
  15. I really hope Lana doesn't read this forum, lmao
  16. It's nice that she's trying a new look for a cover--smiling, that is. I mean, if she feels like smiling, let her. I get what people mean about there being something off, but for me it isn't that noticeable. It might just be the fact that her smiling on an album cover is very new and weird.
  17. She also posted the cover and moon three times each.
  18. I love it! Her outfit is very 60s flowerchild and her face looks amazing, despite the fact that she's "getting older" as some of you have pointed out, lol. I like it better than the Honeymoon cover. That one was boring and not cute.
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