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AudreyH liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour
Just going to leave this here.
A few days ago, Elton John (72 years old - in the buisness for over 50 years) was performing on stage with pneumonia. Pneu - fucking - monia.
In the middle of the show, medical team jumped on stage, took his blood pressure and helped him. All this happening on stage in front off 100,000 people.
He turned around on his piano and went back to playing.
Sadly, Elton lost his voice entirely a few songs later and had to leave the stage. He was sobbing because he wanted to continue the show for his fans but he couldn't. Elton adores his fans.
That very night he went on instagram and left a heartfelt message apologizing to his fans.
I'm all for Lana not touring until she is back to the way she use to be on stage back in 2012-2015, but the LEAST she can do is go on twitter or instagram and give a brief statement about the cancellations. This is beyond unprofessional.
If a 72 year old man with pneumonia can do that, then so can she or have someone in her team post it for her on her social media on her behalf.
Sweet Jesus it not that fucking hard.
AudreyH liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour
been biting my tongue on this because i was told i wasn't owed shit but im snapping
i think its extremely disrespectful of her to not even issue a personal statement, when if im honest, i don't even think the email statement was written by her. it's so brief and explains nothing. i know that if she is ill, she doesn't want to be on social media but at the end of the day it only takes a few minutes, if that, to post something on instagram or a tweet.
as someone said some fans spent so much money on travel, me included, that we can't get refunded. for her to stay silent is just wrong in my opinion. i know its only been a few days but to feel disappointed and then left in silence is weird.
i think something is up with her. i wouldn't be surprised if she's not sick at all seeing how she seemed fine in her instagram posts just a few days ago. i think there's a bigger issue here, be it her being lazy or issues arising from vaping. she really needs to address this properly to reinstill peoples faith in her honestly.
i get the feeling she hates touring, and if that is the case, i wish she'd just do these european shows then stop, since people have been waiting for years to see her.
delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.
Lanakai liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.
Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.
Standing Ovation liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.
Architecture liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.
CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by AudreyH in 'Lust For Life' Album Cover
Someone on Facebook commented that it seemed like the cover is sooo glossy and happy that it's sarcastic.
That the concept might be: everyone wants to seem so happy on perfect on the outside (like on social media), but on the inside it's all messed up.
I thought that was an interesting idea and I think it's something Lana would do.
Or maybe I'm just hoping for that, since otherwise the cover is a bit....much for me.