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Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

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Everything posted by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

  1. Sarah Morgan is a troll or really it's Timothy ex friend? https://twitter.com/Sarah_morgan22
  2. So... she is a friend of Timothy or what
  3. i cant fuck what is the truth goshhhhhhhhgg
  4. im confused https://www.facebook.com/m3l0dylove/photos/pcb.1989853874562091/1989852957895516/?type=3&theater
  5. Honestly, I was excited for MM2 shit. I'm so fucking dissapointed.
  6. Well... I have to admit that the bops of BN are perfect, and I'm agree with the sad songs of it This album needs to have more bops
  7. Can't wait for the first single on December 2019
  8. Fools, Bite, Wild and Blue are my favs We have news about his next?
  9. Also, I deleted Cry Baby on iTunes Library tho lol
  10. I think some fans can't (really) accept it, so maybe they are still stanning her
  11. Thanks for answering in a simple and good way, I understand you and I'm sorry :/
  12. ALSO, I've never said that Melanie it's innocent, that I'm still being a Melanie stan. I'M NOT DEFENDING HER.
  13. Nope, I'm not, there are possibilites that she is saying the truth and Melanie is a rapist ,as there are also possibilities that she is lying. And I'm just saying things that I don't understand about what she said
  14. How many times I said I'm not defending her fuck. how you could not realize that your friend is putting a dildo in your vagina and you don't do nothing, is that she didn't even say she tried to resist
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