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Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

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Everything posted by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls

  1. One is from The Guardian and the other is from The Observer (UK version of TG)
  2. Marina: "Hey guys, I'm releasing INHA because is such a special song to me and I know that it also is to you, so I'm gonna perform it live in the L+F tour and release it on Spotify for you. You deserve good things" Fans: "sIS iS rEaLlY dEsPerAtE fOR pEopLE tO liKE hER agAIn thAT sHEs pUttInG oLD dEmOs oN sPOtiFy omG" (says a Slayyyter stan) can you fucking assholes stop judging everything she does and be grateful for once? jesus
  3. Well they just published the new review on Twitter (The OG wasn't published) so I hope it gets replaced
  4. OMG Finally some justice! It definitely needs to count on MC
  5. Btw, since NFR is currently her best reviewed album we should celebrate that watching DT's MV
  6. y'all I'm in literally tears omg she's gonna release one of her best songs EVER i love her so much I hope there's not a lyrical difference or that tho, but I'm very excited!!!!
  7. This bitch... And she knew that the album was released... Anyways her reactions don't count on MC so move on
  8. 2,5M views and almost 350K likes in 24hrs! We love a hit!
  9. Honeymoon isn't Lana's best reviewed album now
  10. NFR is going to have a better critical reception anyways lol
  11. do you think the score in metacritic is gonna rise soon or
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