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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. Refresh your email. I just got the same email and it's in the library. But it's not downloading for me at all.
  2. It's still as "pre-order" on Amazon despite the fact it's July 28th. No longer able to buy a physical CD on Amazon. Only 1 track posted on Spotify. This is a cluster fuck.
  3. Like I said already, I was warned how toxic Lanaboards was. I made two friends here and stuck around because it's nice chatting with them, but they can chat with me on instagram if they want. The mocking of my brothers deaths solidifies the warnings. I'm out of here. It's one thing telling me to suck dick but to mock loved ones deaths is a low. Damn shame because Elle is such a lovely person but this place is out of hand with rudeness. Anyway that's all I have to say.
  4. Absolutely crude and dusgusting. Shame on you.
  5. It's starts with 10 pounds and it goes on from there. Go back and read what I wrote. How dare you mock the deaths of my brothers like that? Shame on you. I hope you never have to live through what my family have lived through. I hope you never have to feel the pain of burying siblings in their prime of their lives, cut down because of something as simple as gaining weight over time. You don't love Lana at all if you don't want her to be careful. You know, maybe Ed is right about Lanaboards. The fact that I said I care about Lana, want to see her live a long time, then went on to share what happened to my brothers - just to be responded with mockery and rudeness. Ed, you're right. It's toxic in here. I think it's time for me to go.
  6. If I get a warning point for sharing what happened to my brothers and wanting Lana to be careful, then oh well. I love her and I want her around for many more decades. If what I wrote is offensive for some, then go read what Adele and Jennifer have said on the topic. How they both almost died. It started with both of them gaining 10 pounds, then 20 pounds....just like my brothers. Sadly for my brothers it's over.
  7. I guess you want Lana to die young too?
  8. Lana calls the paparazzi like every single celebrity does. They don't just appear at Party City's parking lot like the other day. lol Why so defensive? Because I want Lana to live up to her 90's? I buried two brothers last year, both in their 30's. Both died from cardiac arrests. A 20 pound weight gain may be nothing to you, but let me see you bury loved ones who died from a cardiac arrests. Let me see you stand over there graves while you think to yourself what you could have done. I want to see Lana grow old. Not be dead by 40. Shame on you for wanting to see her go with all your defensiveness. Shame on you.
  9. Lip and cheek fillers for sure. At least the eyelashes evens it all out so she looks nice. I noticed Lana gained weight too. She needs to be careful. Cholesterol and heart attacks in woman begin at 30 and weight gain is usually the culprit. She's 35 now. At her age it's dangerous. That's why Adele dropped all that weight. Her doctor told her she would be dead by 35 if she kept it up. A doctor warned Jennifer Hudson too. Anyway Chuck appears to have a steady weight and takes care of herself. Maybe she could help her sister to stay away from the bad food.
  10. I love how she looks with her lashes and eyeliner. It's nice to see she's trying. She looks happy in the video. She's proud this is finally coming out. Awww. Before all the smoking, vaping and fillers. She use to be so naturally stunning.
  11. Halsey fans are usually 12 years old or under and have no interests in reading, much less poetry. So I'm not shocked there. It's sad that S & S are doing such a great roll out for Halsey's book and barely doing anything for Lana's.
  12. Except for a few (like myself) on here, it was nothing but shitting on her poetry. Every poem released or posted by her was met with mockery. Now you have fonts spending close to $300 for this project. Anyway, I don't have $300 to throw around with 50 different versions of this so I'll just buy the book and CD version and be happy with that. I'm glad it's going to a great cause. Why didn't S & S create a page for Lana's poetry book like they did for Halsey?
  13. Makes sense now, thanks. I hope Billie what's her name doesn't decide to make a poetry album. She doesn't need to steal Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album from Lana too.
  14. Elizabeth Woolridge is such a great name though. "Lana" and "Del Rey" is common names where I'm from. I know 5 real life "Del Rey" (3 Mexicans, 1 Argentinian and 1 Colombian) and 6 Lana's. It was hilarious that some people thought Lana was Cuban or Mexican after the Ride music video came out.
  15. "Audion book" as in poetry album with Jack playing piano in the background or Audio book as in Lana reading her book word for word without music playing in the background? Because Lana makes its sound like it's a poetry album with music so there's confusion here. Visuals already on amazon
  16. These girls are killing it in the book world. Simon and Schuster better make a good roll out for this book. They are already promoting Halsey's poetry book with the book's own website. It's the same company publishing Lana's book. https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/I-Would-Leave-Me-If-I-Could/Halsey/9781982135607
  17. Halsey is releasing her poetry book in Sept too. Amazon has the preorders already.
  18. Me too! I don't want to order anything from Lana's official store. I went through hell to get my shirts. Not again. Amazon, Barnes and Noble or nothing.
  19. Are you serious Japan? Can't believe how many people dislike Happiness. It's one of her best songs.
  20. Will there be a physical version of the poetry album or is it only streaming and mp3?
  21. White girl playing a chola The real deal Also problematic
  22. Did Lana hire this gorgeous black woman to come to her party so people stop saying she was a racists? I mean it seems she never has black people around her house for parties. This is a first. She must have read the other thread on here where a few were questioning about that. That gorgeous black girl just came out of nowhere. #weseeyoulana
  23. Sean's show Live PD ha been cancelled. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2020/jun/15/cops-live-pd-are-canceled-amid-protests-spokane-ha/ https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2020/06/15/live-pd-cancellation-brings-end-lawrence-polices-reality-fame/5342127002/
  24. Yes, I have lived life. No, I'm not a man nor am I gay. I'm a Woman - straight. Apparently, any little thing about Lana's 'look' gets a person on here attacked severely (just like on instagram) so LB isn't as free to chat about anything as I thought. So, if anyone who wants to chat about Lana's hair, shoes, style, etc.(not attacking her- just chatting and sharing opinions) DM me. There are other ways to freely and maturely chat about this stuff without 'offending' the Karen's on here.
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