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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. Lana is a gift to the world. We don't deserve her.
  2. She will need to get a restraining order before he gets out.
  3. I have never seen Lana more open and talking to her fans so openly like this. I hope she does many more insta live videos like this because she's so cute. Makes her more human and real. I love it.
  4. A recording of her live Instagram today was posted on this Lana account. https://vk.com/lanadelrey It's under videos. Not sure if you can see it without an account but try it.
  5. Me too and now I'm sad. The reason I wasn't crazy about LFL was because of all of the awful duets and guest vocals. She could have sang all those songs by herself just fine. Lana is not someone who needs help with collabs in order for her songs to sell. This is what kills me. I'm bummed out.
  6. Looks like this album will have a bunch of duets too.
  7. This fight made it to the Wendy Williams show today. I can't believe she's threatening Lana's life now.
  8. This is the most disgusting thing I have ever read on twitter. Lana was so nice to you and this is how you treat the only friend you had in the business?
  9. But did you see what Banks said to Lana first? I'm happy Lana is standing up for herself. Banks called her fat and other stuff I'm not vulgar enough to repeat. There's only so much bullshit a person can take especially when you have been nothing but nice to that person.
  10. That too but it escalated today because Banks called Lana fat on twitter. It started with this tweet She posted a picture of Lana and said this - "Let’s talk about arm workouts today!! Example : This is an example of an aging white woman who got work done on her face, and none done on her body (where she needed it most) Let’s walk her through some upper arm workout! #CHEAPYXOTIPS"
  11. I have a lot of respect for Lana, now even more. She rarely says anything but when she does, it's good. Bravo Lana! Kim must be devastated that her favorite singer is now arguing with her husband. I were Kim I would be embarrassed. Kanye has done a lot of destruction when it comes to friendly relationships and I'm sure Kim is giving him an earful. "Lana!? You pick a fight with my favorite singer in the whole world!!! Lana? Seriously? How could you Kanye!" Maybe this will be Kim's breaking point and divorces him. Azealea Banks? I never pay a lot of attention to her as she seems to be mentally unstable. She attacked Kesha in the middle of her rants to Lana today.
  12. Thank you. The weight has never matter. It's the styling and putting effort to the way she looks.
  13. Lana doesn't make much effort anymore with her style. It's not about being thin or fat. She no longer does her hair, put makeup, dresses up..... For me her Born To Die and Ultraviolence era was her best visually. She cut her hair shorter now. I'm hoping she lightens her hair a bit to a honey color brown or reddish. That dark hair color ages her a lot.
  14. I haven't stopped crying since I heard Venice Bitch a few hours ago. What am I going to do with myself? Too many emotions. Now the album title.....? I don't know,
  15. I love both the song and music video!
  16. Video Games video is a classic. Lana was the one who pieced it together. Maybe Lana should go back to doing that instead of Chuck.
  17. The same exact tracks I like. Too many duets and political vibes I didn't care for.
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