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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. She doesn't look good with short hair. I don't know why she cut it so short but at least it's growing out.
  2. I don't know...for some reason I like the way she looks here. It's not the same big hair/glamour goddess look she had all throughout 2011-2013 but she still looks cute. I love the dress too. Lana made a huge mistake cutting her hair so short. She doesn't look good with short hair. Thank goodness it's growing out.
  3. They should have made In My Feelings a single. Would have done better then White Mustang. I LOVE Florence's poetry book. The work inside is gorgeous and the way she pulled it off aesthetically is wonderful. If Lana is self publishing I imagine she won't do too much to make it look appealing. A white cover with the title of the book and the poems insides with no photos.
  4. of all the gorgeous pictures of lana they could have posted...
  5. Also, she won't have to share royalties from the book sales with the publisher or do an obligated book tour.
  6. I hope not. That's why I never bought her "bible lyrics book" because it was insanely expensive and not worth it since the lyrics were incomplete. I hope she has it distributed on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and sells it a decent price. I wonder why Lana chose to do it self published?
  7. I would love to see Lana with her natural wavy hair for a change.
  8. I want it all. Every single snippet sound I WANT IT ALL.
  9. I'm honestly shocked at some of the comments here today. I can't believe the amount of hatred and vitriol Lana gets here on this forum that's suppose to be dedicated to her fans. No wonder she closes her comments and doesn't update her social media as often. She can't win. I found the poem that Lana released today incredibly beautiful, personal and heartbreaking. I can't wait for her poetry book and her new album to come out. If her poetry book comes out first or vise versa that's fine as long as she releases it to us. I wouldn't be shocked she came here and read all the horrible stuff said about her poem and she ax's the entire thing. And she would do that too as we seen her do over the years. Take it easy on her. The album will come out when it does. Screaming and cursing at Lana on here won't make her release her album faster. You have 7-8 albums that's she's released. Enjoy those until the new album comes.
  10. I wish she would leave her natural waves out more often. Her hair is beautiful wavish.
  11. five years? Her first album was so GOOD. What a shame.
  12. bluefiona

    Lykke Li

    Happy to hear that because I didn't like not one song from her last album. Her first 3 albums though are gorgeous.
  13. Marina took a 3 year break from music and didn't talk about her new music until it was about to be released. New era promo shots released yesterday and new single in 8 days. All that time she regularly posted on instagram and kept in touch with fans. Complete 180 to what Lana does. Still waiting for the Cherry music video.
  14. Marina's new promo shots for her new album are gorgeous.
  15. I hope the poetry book doesn't cost $50 or something. That lyrics books she had out a few years ago was very expensive and it didn't even have all the lyrics. UV lyrics was missing. I hope her poetry book turns out beautiful like Florence's but I'm not holding my breath.
  16. I have never been so attracted to a guy with blue hair. Evan is hot as fuck.
  17. I wonder if Lana watched American Horror Story: Cult season. If not, she should. She seems to have a thing for cults. Here's hoping that the Hillsong leader is not like Kai Anderson.
  18. She doesn't make much effort in these following pics but she looks gorgeous and her hair is brushed.
  19. I mean... Her friends always look dressed to the nines...and Lana always looks like she just rolled out of bed. I'm not Dr. Phil, but when I'm depressed the last thing I want to do is dress up and fix myself. And this depression goes on for me for weeks. It gets so bad, that I sit in front of my shower contemplating why I need a shower. I'm not saying Lana is going through depression, for all I know she's just hates fixing herself and wants to be natural at all times, but it makes me question it.
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