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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. I don't know, but he was the one I thought of. Could have been Fran. for all we know.
  2. I thought of G Easy when I heard those lyrics and how terrible he was to Lana.
  3. I pray there are no rap songs or duets on this new album. Thanks!
  4. Someone remind me please what HIAB stands for? I'm at a blank at 4 am.
  5. That song is beautiful!
  6. It's just the title of the song so who cares, as long as the song is good.
  7. That's a long title for a song! I'm happy to hear about the poetry book! I can't wait!!
  8. I wonder how bad the album cover is going to be if Ben is like 'eh'? It can't be worst then the UV, HM or LFL album covers. I already have my album cover done by the talented @cognaclilac http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/10459-cognaclilacs-art-for-attention/
  9. Lana is too important and talented to be an "instagram baddie".
  10. But I do like most of her home made videos more then the big budget ones. The "professional" music videos she did for her last two albums were underwhelming. Shades of Cool was her last beautiful pro video for me although I did like a little the Music To Watch Boys To video especially the girls underwater. .
  11. bluefiona

    Lady Gaga

    Arriving and preparing for her Las Vegas show. Love her.
  12. but yeah her backtrack in concert is too loud sometimes and over powers her live vocals. It happens a lot with Cherry on stage. she should forget the backtracks and hire real singers to sing back up for her.
  13. This is sweet! I never knew that Lana and Chuck had the same exact emerald green eye color!
  14. Small update. azealia banks twitter account has finally been deleted. Good news she won't be insulting Lana anymore. https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/azealia-banks-twitter-account-suspended-after-vicious-threats-to-murder-mariah-lynn-news.64545.html
  15. Lana picked a powerful song that describes the terrible situation going on with those fires. It's like an apocalypse out there.
  16. I agree with you about the black hair. It looks terrible on her skin tone. Light Brown is okay and the color she had during Born To Die (reddish honey?) was gorgeous on her. Ombre looks good on her too but black hair fully is difficult to pull off for many people. For Lana it makes her look older and even adds weight to her face.
  17. He's dressed like Little Edie from Grey Gardens.
  18. She looks gorgeous. Hair, makeup, dress and shoes all perfect! The gloves are weird but no big deal but the dress is incredible. Looks vintage, 1940's. Perfect. Lana must be 5'10 not 5'8 like Google says. Courtney Love is 5'10 and when Lana was standing next to her yesterday, they were exact in height.
  19. It's been a very long time since Lana has looked this glammed up. She looks beautiful. I love the dress.
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