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Party Favor

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Everything posted by Party Favor

  1. i dont even know why they're saying to stop the voting. biden would still win both EC and popular vote
  2. biden is only .6% away from passing trump in GA edit: roughly a little over 2% away (in each state) from overtaking trump in NC and PA. NC has 94% of votes counted
  3. Bout to drive Nevada my fucking self and count these votes. Only a 5 hour drive to Vegas, babes
  4. Nevada said they’re gonna try and get their votes in today. I don’t see that happening tho lol
  5. Do my eyes deceive me or ami reading a map that shows Biden at 264????????? vghhhbbbb
  6. On one hand, I’m glad they’re counting as precise as they are, but on the other, this shit is long drawn out. I just want a winner so we can stop stalling the inevitable tantrum trump is going to throw if he loses
  7. Is labour sort of like Democrats? I don’t know anything about UK politics, sorry lol Romney had the whole church of lds on his side and still lost lmao tragic
  8. I forgot you guys have awful people in charge too lmao. Boris is....interesting
  9. Fgjjhbj please I was all for the Michigan shade too
  10. It won’t matter because once you reach 270, you’re the majority. The candidate won’t have enough votes in the electoral college to win. but who knows. They’re all taking their time to call shit. They might wait to give final numbers due to trump crying fake news every 5 seconds
  11. I was still shitting in diapers during that election but then in middle school we watched a documentary about rising ocean waters that had Gore in it and I was mad af he lost bye.
  12. AP called Arizona and they’re the most reputable atm. It’s annoying how all the networks are at different points lol
  13. I didn’t say Obama was innocent, and if you’d like me to get MORE into, the people in the US don’t hate Obama bc he bombed children or the Middle East. They hated him bc of his race and economy, and lack of doing anything ‘significant’ which is why I brought it up since we were discussing trump (whose supporters don’t give a single shit about who gets bombed as long as money stays in their pockets). I should have made that more clear in my response and I wasn’t intentionally trying to discredit the awful things Obama has done. I’m well aware of him being a war monger. My point was that all of our presidents are varying degrees of awful, no matter the party. don’t ever put words in my mouth again. Thanks. anyways, Biden still has lead in Nevada and Michigan. Let’s hope he snags them so this election can be over
  14. i understand. it's so scary how in 2020, women still have to deal with this. men who discuss abortion are gross, but women who support making it illegal blow my mind. like how the fuck? pro lifers care about the fetus until after it's born and after that, fuck all is given. they really cannot stand how progressive america is and that is embarrassing since the us is far behind in terms of progressiveness. it ain't the 1950's anymore! enough! also i think it's really great you're studying law! that stuff is super hard and i wish you the best with your studies
  15. i mean....if we're being fair, obama did do some shady shit. but i feel at this point in us presidents, they all will. like, every person in the position of power over a whole country isn't and never will be completely innocent. that said, a LOT of people like to exaggerate obama's term to make him out to be worse than the previous presidents which makes no sense since obama's 8 years in office went by how politics are supposed to go: boring it's really sad. religion has no purpose in politics. they don't even have a reason not to have an abortion that isn't religiously charged. it's so scary thinking that some people in this country think it's alright to live under the idea that a woman's purpose is to be an incubator for a fetus. i've seen the protestors at health clinics....they're fucking scary. i hate religious nuts lol. truly have not been able to mind their businesses since the birth of jesus
  16. im honestly shocked it's even at 70%. does give me a little faith though. people really do not understand the point of making abortion a health care right.
  17. yepp. they also apparently intentionally worded it weird so people would vote yes, thinking it was in support of the right to abortion. take that with a grain of salt, but there's a lot of people from Louisiana saying that. which honestly makes sense that theyd do that to their citizens since they have the lowest education level out of the whole US lmao
  18. let's just hope they do the bare minimum their job requires lmao
  19. also, in case you guys weren't aware, Louisiana banned all abortions add dem to list
  20. he has a supreme court with a majority of conservatives who he appointed. im not saying it isn't illegal, but him and his people aren't exactly ones to give a single fuck about democracy or the people.
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