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Everything posted by maysparkle

  1. Got the signed cd. Man my bf is gonna make fun of me when he sees all these variants of vinyls/cds come in the mail. He’s a fan of Lana but not a STAN like me
  2. Yeah I’m not a man either so I’m not sure about that one. I enjoy the song. We’re allowed to talk about sound quality. And, who says I’m not building something??
  3. I hope they fixed it on Blue Banisters (the song) because when she belts about Santa Clarita fires, I have to turn it down. I wonder why the mixing is so inconsistent. I had similar volume problems with Chemtrails, but thought it was just Jack’s doing. Her older albums didn’t have this issue. Shrug again. Man, I should sleep. Night all.
  4. I apologize if this has been asked before, but did they get rid of the original un-remastered singles of Mariners Apartment Complex and Venice Bitch on Spotify? I thought I read they changed those standalone singles to sound like the album versions on NFR. I remember the singles sounding slightly different in an unpolished almost lo-fi way and kinda missed that sound when the album came out.
  5. I’ve noticed that but thought it was just me! I always have to turn down the volume on Arcadia when she belts in the chorus; way too high for my ears. It sounds MUCH better on Apple Music. I hate paying for both, but sometimes I feel things can also sound better on Spotify. For example, Lorde’s new album sounded a lot better to me on Spotify than on Apple Music. ?‍♀️ I guess it can be hit or miss.
  6. I don’t HAVE it right now lol (sorry, tired, might be misunderstanding your question). I found it on the universal store and bought it for a seemingly higher price (over-seas; I’m in the US). Can’t wait for it to get here, hopefully soon after release date!
  7. Welp I bought every variant except the standard black vinyl and the Target cd. Very glad I was able to get my hands on the Target vinyl before it sold out!! The Target cd is now sold out so I’m just waiting to get that in person on release day. I had to go to the universal store to find the gorgeous yellow vinyl with her side profile, as that one was sold out on pre-order day on her site and I chose the white vinyl. And I got the cassettes & cds. Excessive, I guess. My poor bank account tbh. ? I just want/need the Chemtrails RSD blue vinyl. It looks soooo pretty!
  8. I’m going to assume that if people don’t like Lana’s version of For Free, they probably wouldn’t like the original by Joni. Which is sad, because it’s a gorgeous song. Different tastes I guess. I found Lana’s version very moving as well (though Joni’s is the superior version). ?
  9. I was on FB after a long nap and someone said Lana is retiring and this is a farewell album? Wtf??
  10. Also, not sure if anyone has said this, but on headphones while listening to Arcadia, I could have sworn I heard a male voice in the background of her vocals in the beginning of the first verse. And then I wondered if it was Miles’ voice.
  11. Same, I was bumping that interlude this morning during my commute. I plan to bump it every morning. Fuck man. I already loved Ennio Morricone, so this is such a win for me.
  12. Just finally got home and watched the video and omg omg the middle fingers and the smiles and the fucking BEAT. I died. I also died when I discovered the album is dropping on my birthday, 10/22 ? even though we’ve heard most of the songs, I’m sure it will be a fucking SERVE when we hear the new ones and possibly re-worked ones. Fuck. The hype is here. Girlie is pissed and still wants us to know it, and Rock Candy Sweet at least lives on in her energy. I’m curious to hear her tell her story after this whole fiasco last year. And I bet she will tell it so beautifully. She’s a living legend, for sure ✨
  13. Late to everything- did the interlude drop? Everyone seems to be talking about it. Happy I got to pre-order a vinyl, cd, and cassette during my second day of work in the bathroom lol
  14. I really need to figure out how to do a spoiler tag….? man. I keep trying to look in previous pages figuring out how to do it, but no such luck.
  15. Wow I’ve missed a lot. I think I’m going to wait to listen to Dealer. I hope it’s worth the wait!!! I wonder if she screams on this track like she had talked about earlier…
  16. I’m ready to give her all my money when the pre-order drops, idec
  17. I just sat there, high, watching, and my bf is like “are you just sitting there checking out Lana, or what?” I was like yes!!! This was fabulous. Best homemade-type video she’s done in years and brings me back to the old days. This was done with feeling and I love it.
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