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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. I hope she releases Halcyon Days as a stand-alone EP like Lana did with Paradise. Unlike Nicki with "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded - The Re-Up"
  2. fagmobs HAS to seem like he's the biggest stan so he needed to buy the vinyl at the first opportunity.
  3. All there is a Myspace-rip of Like a G6? Mines hella upscaled then. Can you please send me that rip?
  4. CHARLIBOARDS DAILY TOPIC I completely can't think of any real topic questions so.. What would you do with Charli if you got to spend a day with her?
  5. So I'll try to revive this dead thread. New single 'Burn' - Ellie is re-releasing 'Halcyon', as 'Halcyon Days' on August 23rd. TRACK LIST: BURN GOODNESS GRACIOUS YOU, MY EVERYTHING HEARTS ON CHAINS STAY AWAKE GOT IT UNDER CONTROL FLASHLIGHT HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU TESSELATE MIDAS TOUCH
  6. aiin't nobbbboodyyy herrrreee aabbbbboouuuuttt thaaatttt liiiifffffeeeeeeee.
  7. No, it's not going to leak. Somebody just pointed out that somebody was trading it...which people have been trading it for like months already.
  8. Bleh, this 'Heartbreak High' thing is good enough of a daily topic for today. I usually post them around midnight every night but I wasn't home last night.
  9. This is one of the few forums that discuss Charli XCX. He/she is probably on here reading this.
  10. I thought her mixtape wasnt out yet.
  11. @@Baby V Alex what is 'Brooke Candy' on your list?
  12. It's funny that only a few people had 14, an ALBUM, and it leaked within a day. So many people have Heartbreak High, a SONG, but it's still unleaked after all this time.
  13. So it was 14 (album) then Save The Rhino (tracks) then Emelline / Art Bitch (tracks)?
  14. basically. it has nothing to even do with banks, i downloaded haze's new york ep and i deleted it soon after.
  15. DAILY CHARLIBOARDZ TOPIC Weakest moment from any song.
  16. thisisthecharlixcxthreaddammit.flac
  17. Did we ever get Werewolf (besides the demo) that doesn't sound like it was recorded on a flip phone?
  18. Anyway, I think there's a possibility part 10 will be posted today. It's 4th Of July, American culture, archetypes.?
  19. DAILY CHARLIBOARDS TOPIC As far as unleaked songs, which one song would you want to leak if you could choose?
  20. DAILY CHARLIBOARDS TOPIC As far as unleaked songs, which one song would you want to leak if you could choose?
  21. You flat out said "I feel like she's the shittier and failed version of Lana". Just stop.
  22. Just no, they're different types of music.
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