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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. this thread is like. it's a tumbleweed. 
    i don't wanna be guessing until release or however everything starts showing up so to combat the slow of this thread I'd like to express.

    personally, for me, 
    a video snippet. made possibly horror style, very short, glimpse in feel. 
    a single announcement/ ig post about the single. 
    share the snippets. i love the hype it brings. 

    have the record announced a month/ two or so later via album trailer. 
    some music videos sprinkled thru-out the year. 
    live studio performance vids regardless of whether or not she'll be performing live. 
    a magazine/ article interview. 

    this'll include the artwork, singles. and hopefully more photoshoots and interviews. 

    we've got a string of collabs she's made w a tv show, 
    a feature, and since that time i forget the other but. 

    ultimately i do hope she gives us a little bit more excitement for this upcoming work. 
    no pity cus that's annoying, but it's kinda sad how dry the thread's been, and past album cycles she'd literally just drop and go, 
    so i hope we at least have a good period of time where she's excited to lead and share her stuff, even if things might leak etc. 
    a more engaging era, if even again, personally, that means live performance vids in the studio. 

    i'd love for her to have a great rollout when she announces with the era works: music videos, live performance slots on shows interviews and more film collabs, but. 
    we haven't seen much of anything regarding her own stuff and just gauging from past cycles, and we dk what goes on past, so i hope when it starts, she'll make a bit more of an effort, if at least for the fans that still do want to experience the era with her. 

    that's my personal request for the album. 
    more idea feels/ era inspirations when things get started. 

    but atm, this thread's incredibly boring w nothing going on to go by so bye Mk4qFwx.gif

  2. maybe it's bc multiverse of madness just came out like a month or so ago to now thor, but. yeah it does feel like they've sped up quite a bit. 

    i was kinda underwhelmed w the gor adaptation/ how he's just a one film character, as well as eternity being in the film it felt like a lot was happening too quickly. i prefer the build up so i wonder if feige's sort of anticipating some kind of mcu decline or something. there's more opportunities for shows too to space things out

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