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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. the woman is an artist glad that she has a lowkey lowkey acct. social media's more likely than not less than humane and the boundary's a good thing. 

    I do think it'd be a good time to get a smidge of a hint rn tho 6gqjJIM.gif manifesting a clue a cue UXXyJ9t.gif

  2. from an intuitive collective sort of sense, i have a feeling that she's gonna search more and perhaps talk more about her identity, who she is, what's she's defining herself as. that explains going further into looking into her family. it also coincides a lot w blue banisters sort of book chapter ending. i think maybe she had an identity or vision of what she wanted life to have been like by now, but instead, she sorta had to recalibrate. 

    there's a lot in life where part of your identity is sorta labeled and expected of you regardless, but it can also be dangerous to let only those define who you are, where you forget your innate self, the things that you'd like to do and how you move. perhaps that can be part of the conversation and wordiness she mentioned. maybe she can talk more about the cult of personality, and how there are other, higher perspectives of being. like how emotions are, how people react and what they do, despite their environment, the elevation from personality, labels and their comforts to more so about character and legacies. 

    it coincides w that mention of conversational/wordiness cus anything can be, but also the fact that blue banisters was an ending of a cycle where she stripped away what society thought of her, to redefining/ checking in w herself again after her more traveled journey from fame. it also answers the what now? question she might be asking herself as well as what her listeners are probably thinking to some extent, while perhaps having her move beyond lineage/ cycles that she'll hopefully learn more about to progress towards an even solid, fortified/ potent sense of self, what that means and how that might be for others as well. 

    if this isn't as articulate as i'm lineating from my thoughts i'm sleep deprived and i'll now get some z's 

  3. 7 hours ago, bluechemtrails said:

    I hope we get more than just two songs with videos this time. I expected more for BB, which is really sad because the songs were good for visualizing. She wanted to tell her story, but only with good visuals you can understand her ideas properly.

    Liking this just for the more videos, I like how her music’s something to figure out and has layers to it. 

  4. I can see her spatially following from iyldwm 


    manifesting a track that sorta amalgamates a feel similar to brooklyn baby and TG 


    atmospherically n visually like watercolor eyes/ride/ wait for life 


    Dressed in a slow overly sunny day with her parting curtains from an arch shaped tall window, camera having the frame from the outside, the window’s got twisted white bars from the outside 


    A casual fun bright intro 

    Amp’d by the sound and speed of cars riding at night by unknown empty roads w green 


    I’d love to hear a track about her being able to do whatever she wants, but not knowing exactly what. 

    another track about being happy and surrendering to it if even just glimpses that flicker and fade


    a breathtaking song that causes you to really pause 


    and another i went down to woodside energy moment sprinkled in somewhere the middle


    I’d personally love an album that carried onto a violet colored record. Thematically and aesthetically. or at least even on a cd 


    i know we got a magazine w some news and clues, but atm, that’s all im kind of envisioning from a lana collective-esque perspective. Manifesting moments and sounds inspired from whatever the hell i’m seeing about what her next one could be like

  5. 5 hours ago, Surf Noir said:

    as bad as this may sound, i feel like those lyrics are almost too good to be current lana songwriting :bebe: but then again she gave us wildflower wildfire so you never know


    -ahhhhh i think it's kinda best we don't underestimate her pen, and i say this cus i'm kinda surprised at how this might easily be liked by others on some stuff, but even listening to her wordplays and looser structured lines, even those hold up in a solid flow of a way. blue banisters is literally in part called about being part of a support/boundary so i never really expected too grandiose of writing, but yeah she did pull some excellent lyrics and the songwriting just gets it right w the atmosphere. i'm saying all this cus i'm kinda just perplexed at how easy it kinda seems regarding the supposed lyrics when i know we're actually used to better 

  6. I truly don't wanna seem like a hater, hence fleshing and Lana-fying the lyrics, and in tandem to everyone just kinda going w it, I with some of the few don't really fancy them as much. I get the motive and already mentally explored the why's behind them, but it's real rough. think we're going thru a cycle tho, and it's exciting and lol scat, but i'd rather keep my standard of belief upheld than just bend to anything as easily cus we all know the insider thing's just a duality cycle on here among other things 

    i do like the possibilities if they were carried further, but I feel like the subject matter's already been prev discussed in past songs if u listen to them, and the melding/transition to others isn't as smooth. i'm drabbling but ya'll are dazzled by it, and i am too partially, but i still stand by what i observed about them

    it's an interesting intro tho 

  7. I sometimes dislike seeing theories bc then I’m akin to fleshing them out in my head and I already sorta love these topics to explore and understand. 

    i do wanna say the authoring of it seems like its in a diff voice. And not to push it down but the grammar’s not so particular/correct in some senses. 

    maybe something like:

    I’ve been being honest, never a promise I didn’t keep 

    yet still you won’t see, who I am, is who you are and what we’ve been 


    they won’t die

    they keep on dancing like the fires where they come from

    Like my life’s now an art form where I can sleep, surrender 


    or a wish I wish I never made, to break 

    you told me the devil never cries, 

    so why am I dressed in your tears 


    you told me the devil never cares

    so why do you see me


  8. sun - honeymoon, dreamy, spaced out and reserved. but still underlyingly hopeful underneath all the anguish and cold fire. emotionally complex and having a great inner and outer understanding but not minding and actually preferring to not be in the spotlight but somehow still being found by it every now and then. 

    moon - born to die, technical, practical with a lot to say and managing to improve and raise standards just by stepping into the environment. clever, new, active and cerebral while still translating in a very much sensible and piercing way. doesn't need to be flashy, heavy but made a bit funny/playful thru persevering. defined by classic excellence, and surprisingly resilient and solid despite covering so much. 

    rising - ultraviolence, fire, casually intimidating sometimes w/o meaning to be, honestly known for it's power, and just plain existing, the epitome of being known just by existing. main character energy. will do, and go through, a lot. playful when things aren't so serious, and has an underlying secret of being patient and holding soft spots with who/what they hold dear, despite the warrior attitude. 

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