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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. major longing 
    major appreciation of nature/ figurative imagery 

    blaring drones/ guitars - to the point of drowning in their sound to another plane - like an energy cleanse 
    cold airy vocals to shine thru the production 
    end of summer / sunset to dusk / start of fall vibes 

    terrence loves you dreamscape/ sound of wonder 
    a more polished, dynamic blue banisters 

    that'd be a dream, if she were going for the singer songwriter johnny cash / chelsea hotel no. 2 / hallelujah by leonard cohen overall golden legend route imo 

    since she's going country, I'd especially love if she wandered into the frontier of space, similar to an astronaut, or like the vintage film of armageddon w Liv Tyler in vibes 

    just my 2 cents. 

    "cus darling, you know that it'd- 
    never be like me to- 
    cast you beside the rope (ah, ah)

    we've already ventured out- 
    sun to skies, stars to the moon 

    darlin you know that I'll always let you be the one to choose 

    I don't need- this lasso
    to understaaand-  
    or to have you ~ ooooh ~ "


  2. I've never really cared for leaks. Maybe Life is Beautiful around that time, but it's never really been my thing.additionally, it's just weird to me to witness bootlicking/ begging others for something and how it seems to kinda affect others in a bit of a honed manner so. 

    if it's meant to be, then it is. stumble upon it sure. but yeah, never been much of keeping track of these things 

  3. Title. Add a step in, what's a song, or music, that you feel, you should be playing right now? 

    Have you been delaying the listen? For certain reasons? Or maybe you might've overplayed them?

    What seems like THEE song that fits the part of your own world right now?

    Lately I've been trying to fit in a lot of stuff, and making good use of my time,
    and this song feels like a good kind of unwinding to listen to:

    "I don't think of myself as special, but I like to live my life colorful and bold." 


  4. when u discover the subdued beauty that is ii hands ii heaven. just- 

    better than the love vibes from XO and Love Drought. so good. 

  5. I'm so happy this album exists. it's completely different, but works so well. I can tell that the reception's sorta on the quieter side, but the quality's just undeniable. 
    the vocals, the sounds. you'd think it was some kind of disconnected thing, but it's seamless, and it makes me feel so proud for her. breaking barriers. and in such a beautiful, poised way too. 


  6. it's got this rhapsodic energy about it that's like a gentle lifting energy w riiverdance and ii hands ii heaven. it's got it's own atmosphere 

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