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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. 5 minutes ago, DemonMic2003 said:

    I could see her doing 3 songs from lasso and that’s it tbh. Maybe a more country dress and some boots both with a Lana flair. Also I could see blue jeans, white Mustang, and another song being scrapped 

    see that's the thing, I get how that could be said bc it makes sense, but for me, bottomline, what I'm wondering about is which and of how much of the genre she's actually going to incorporate onto the record, and if there is a good solid amount of country, will it be a wispy, slow burning kind, or will it be cheeky? which, I prefer the former, with a more timeless kind of sound, but at the same time, the songs she made earlier on during chemtrails era w Nikki(?) kinda make me feel like I just wanna avoid that sound altogether

  2. what I'm kinda wondering is if this gonna bring an upsurge in actually more of the MUSIC back to Coachella. 

    influencers, and of course festivities etc. but recently at least what I've been noticing, is that things haven't been as great when it comes to their sound systems, the whole Frank Ocean pulling out thing. 

    I wonder if this'll change things/ make Coachella more of a respected kind of event again, instead of it just seeming to be there

  3. malefic. absolutely malefic. I remember staying up, waiting for Fearne on the radio in the pitch black of night/ early morning. 

    rip to the original user @west coast, wonder if they deactivated, they knew the tea earlier on. <3

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