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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I'd love more titanic-esque visuals that she started w since nfr. the bb single cover still looks like a part of it and I mentioned waaaaaay back about a film called from here to eternity where several, diff kinds of relationships were all sort of unfolding in hawaii at the time before pearl harbor was hit. the flowers. the drama. the richness of human experience. what did u see? you like it I know you do. keep visualizing that paradise. mhm. it could be like that
  2. mm nope im not overthinking any of this. what i want are concrete facts. i'm all for free spiritedness w whatever she'll come up w but we need something concrete. tracklist. number of tracks. updates. KEPT promises. something riveting and organized.
  3. I still find it extremely alien that she even acknowledged cocc's existence tbh.
  4. I want this album to surprise shock and faint satan, or like scare someone like grimes into permanently living a normal civilian's life and work in a normal office job all glad. soul shaking. jaw dropping. witty. clever. spicy spicy.
  5. I think I might go just to get Chromatica but the yellow vinyl choice sorta confuses me. I wonder if a pink one'll show up in the future I just want it or like a white opaque vinyl oof ideas ideas
  6. ya'll my posts have been bein moved since last year #underdog but i'll still gif i'll still do it #performanceartofthesoul #it'sshallowbutIwantamilkshakenow
  7. as objectively a collective opinion the most beautiful: 1. Honeymoon 2. Shades Of Cool 3. FIILY/ The greatest 4. Chemtrails Over The Country Club 5. Young & Beautiful personal favorites: 1. Shades of Cool: the cool tones, the pool scene, the midcentury modern home reminds me of my grandparents house. 2. Blue Jeans: the phantom quality to it. 3. White Mustang/TNBAR: the fused world makes me feel at home, reminds me of some kind of home somehow 4. HIAB only: the movement 5. High By The Beach: the simplicity to the nerf gun
  8. eeeeeeek I can't w the rob thirsting like wouldn't u see Lana enough to think of anything sexual ahhhhhhhhhhhhck not charlie tho strangely enough, huh. tf what r we even saying lmao
  9. oooooohhhhh hooo hooooo kla hoooooollmmaaaaa mmmmmm hmmmm mmm mm
  11. well if the music's any kind of indication compartmentalized or not, n not to overstep, but I do hope that the rest of the record has a happier ending to it. It seems to me that she saved some tracks from cocc to ease the pandemic situation a little bit more, so hoping that there's still a happier turn that we get to hear past banisters' mazed hopeful tones.
  12. I wonder where she finds her freedom now
  13. yuh got a thundabird ma daddy had one too lets re write histry i''ll do this dance w youuuh
  14. I. honestly dk how anyone's not at least a little pleased w the 3 tracks. i end up randomly singing parts of em during the day. i just wanna know how the story progresses but ohmygod still so good
  15. respectfully, lol no fuck that im still gonna try manifesting MANIFESTING
  16. I was admiring my cocc vinyl and a thought occurred to me. drop the album cover ms lana
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