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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTNfYGFWCmI
  2. Does anyone wanna discuss how this event might've inspired the good sis to write a track about orgasms
  3. Slept thru it, but god, love this woman : California's gettin rowdyyy for the record Laaaaaanaaaaa
  4. HiaB and that bridge(?) just really keeps me comfortably wanting the record
  5. What rhymes w frantic (what I'm feeling) and gets fans screaming? Semantics !!
  6. Peeps are actually having a wholesome discussion in the pre-release thread so I'll just post here but for a split sec I forgot that there was an actual coming out what day is it what time is it I forgot, like FUCK how scary is that
  7. Mm. Ur opening my eyes more to this, and it's honestly frustrating. Like I'm irritating-edly grateful LOOL but u do have a point on there. They veined it more on the politics nd ideals of things, which, imo was a nice nod to the socio-political veils of the show, so that was nice, but they could've just done so much better. Something to b grateful for at least, was or how the show really set up abrupt deaths that kinda ricocheted thru the seasons for suspense dosage, that and production value. Does it make up for how the last few seasons steeped in lack? Nopeeee, but I kinda made a consideration of peace towards it . Arya's storyline could've been used so MUCH more- nd I get Jaime's death, but I think the producers really just boomerang'ed him back, making such a disappointing arc, prophecy? a very loose de fersure. Slightly off topic, Rhaegal really shouldn't've died like that
  8. Hmm. I mean, objectively speaking, those are two separate, diff grades. But, I c what ur getting at. I guess ya just gotta play the game. I honestly really think she could give a rat's , but I genuinely enjoy when she trolls so. Honestly doubt anyone's really in too deep about everything on here, like I get needing public/private support nd drawing that from being understood or wanting to dissociate w the music, if just for a few min bc everyone deserves a break every now n then, but yea, sometimes ya just gotta play the game lol Ohgoddddd that's adorable, and I mean honestly no yeah, it's nice to really have someone to share her music, spec in that way. It's like, just about sharing ur perspectives on things, and picking out info based off of those comm discussions. Just get into it like ya normally would and maybe he'll catch on how u love it so much hahahahahahahahaha I think that HIADT's just got this sort of ominous vibe to it, that might b sour to stomach just then and there, or suddenly, so u'd really have to be in some state of mind or something to really get into it imo. Doin Time's incredibly abrupt. I mean heyo yeah replay value yesss, so I actually prefer it that way, but no, the original's where it's at for me. Don't really think she'll have it on the record, idk intuitively speaking, Antonoff's records, at least the ones I really know of, seem to have his kind of collaborative stamp, nd DT doesn't seem as much at the same pace of how NFR's been being revealed to us. But we'll just have to fookin see
  9. Started re-watching the series like a month ago and 'm on the final season. It isn't really as bad as I thought, but then again, still just on the second ep. I do really think they've messed Tyrion up, or maybe just used that to really flaw Dany. Jon still annoys me and so fucking much does Bran- Sansa's progression was the most believable. Arya ref'd what she wanted to do and basically did just that. JAIME. A lot of dialogue/ scene interactions could've done everything a lot much better than how things were left off, since some of the scenes just seemed so disproportionate, and the flow of things, didn't grate as much as the producers would've liked for them to; it's like the rhythm was completely off Hope the prequel really revisits the tragedy, nd coy humor in that sort of darkness, and that it'll really flesh out and solidify the Night King story, nd reference or parallel some interactions that we sought w/in this series, back to it, to sorta condition or just, again flesh out what seemed, muddled for the audience. It could b groundbreaking and so much more fulfilling if they delivered and cleared the world up a lot more than how things ended
  10. Sure ! Mhm! and ohgod no I hate that, it's kinda like ya don't have much of a choice since it's the best option out there and LOOOOL stay outta yt, I know there're a lot of compilation vids with them all, I mean, personally, I like em spread out so it's not so overwhelming or ta make em stale. Least you can control yourself of em, I usually still get lost playing Venice b so that's something. MAC, imo, has amazing staying power, everything we've heard is still pretty fresh sounding, which is great when u think about it.. HiaDT is more like a delicacy rather than a snack if that even makes direct sense, but nonetheless, still pretty great, I mean maybe I'm just not annoyed of them like the others might b, but yeah two cents. and! I was getting into that, nd I appreciate the cover, A LOT, but I'm reverting back to the original more these days. The grittiness of the original's better for the heat imo- wait's almost over, I really think she'll be a bit more (hopefully, directly) active about the record more so in (mid) August than anything.
  11. Hmm from my view it looks like gum wrapper .. idk exactly what for tho lol and ohmygod sorta off topic, but yeah bad wifi's the worst, hope ya get that fixed. But honestly tho, I mean it's a good way of exercising restraint if anything, 'less ya wanted to tease urself til the end of August or who tf knows exactly ~ Good luck w it tho, I'd suggest something like pico or something. AND, i mean most of them are on insta anyway, so, if worse comes to REAL worse, u can save the posts or something, nd listen to em thru there
  12. It'd b great if this was part of the album booklet imo, it's a bit sleazy ish tho but I dig the micro-moment sensationalism
  13. I think, what u could do, if the thread hasn't already been made, would b to start w the evolution of her artistry, and then attach how she was, who she was, that and how it came to be. Like a mini timeline or something. Splash it w public incidents, articles nd interviews since the music's been pretty straightforward. Keep the concept and main globs of info simple, so everyone can kinda just contribute what they want, gl gl Obvs, she's real into green smoothies nd baddie-ism. and the thread's a nice reflection of that. If ya make the thread, lemme know, I'd looooove a version of like, a compacted history of how she was w/o having to read the separate pre/post album threads / on topic: Glad that the collab's got her a part in it. Ariana's got to have some kind of bigger association w it, nd if it's on the trailer, video treatment? But. It's just so great to have something actually confirmed, even if we don't have a release date
  14. That's like buying furniture from IKEA nd having to assemble it urself tf I hope the shipping's free at least
  15. hey sal we're playing release date calendar bingo. We're all losing tho
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