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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. U know, just imagine how much Lana'd get done if she hired some gays to promote and plan her merch and aided her in times of when she doesnt give a fuck of artistic direction. We are Lanacorp. Here to serve u. Like daaaamnnnn somebody call her manager
  2. Oh no same, I mean maybe some kind of small announcement or small update (wow we've stooped low). I mean we've waited for all these days, been betrayed w lies, what's more of a glimmer of hope towards thursday. Lol no yeah everything whatever gahahahahahahahaha
  3. Info like this really makes me want to know where Klein is with Lana's cover and feature. I mean we know we've been betrayed by magazine articles before last album cycle, but I'd at least like to see how the facts (of the then past) to see what we can prove false etc
  4. In the land of insiders and misinformation, I was a believer, living in the garden of Lanaboards. Looking to get (true) info'd hard. / But alright, haven't been really following Beyonce for years or really since forever, but. Lemonade's on Spotify, and I only say this bc I can stream Love Drought. Somebody contact that insider and ask for any kind of Lana based news I feel like I've drank good luck or something hurry right now, while supplies last.
  5. Imo, BtD is more of a winter album for me funnily We've 2 months til spring ends here so we have time ho
  6. I mean, yeah we all act out the way we do, but no agreed imma stop there homegirl'll just do what she wants
  7. I- I actually kinda feel for her. Like don't get me wrong, I can get pretty restless when it comes to thinking of how dragged out this is, and not in a good way, the album release etc. But. Hm i dunno, sometimes simple details and moments of "offness" might just fucking slip others' thoughts so simply. Like, it gets me questioning how she's in that sorta headspace, ya know?
  8. I was looking for a spec Frida Kahlo quote, and stumbled onto this, and I think it purposefully encapsulates what this thread's about:
  9. This. Quoting the article, "a couple of songs" Cinnamon, HiaB
  10. https://www.ellecanada.com/beauty/fragrance/article/lana-del-rey-talks-fragrance-poetry-and-new-music
  11. Was thinking of how maybe if Lana were to focus on making the vinyls real unique, and more visual akin to the painting/art theme, that she could pull off a hologram of some kind of image off the vinyl kinda like how Jack White did w his record. http://youtube.com/watch?v=iKxP4wxRkMY Picture disks for the UV box set were beautiful to spin, but. We'd get something crafty and well-playing at the same time
  12. W/o a doubt im sure many if not all feel this way about how everything's been handled. I, personally think that it is quite endearing, only bc of the fact that we are part of a select population on here, who's collective need for the record is perpetuated n amplified. Sure, she's definitely well-known, but I'm pretty sure not everyone's as deep in as we are in a sense, so those cues, although incredibly distastefully handled, meant either one of two things. To breed a laugh or two, or fucking scorn. And it all really depends on how the person takes it. It's a twisted kind of communication if it even is, but the conversation's started, no matter how distant yeah. Bc reality is, we do know a lot more than the average fan so I guess, in our shared sense of responsibility, of holding that, we're tasked w less bliss and more of the concrete unknown shit. I'm not even gonna dissect the whys and how things came to b w how messy everything's been discoordinated but, it'll b that much more of a relief and fun even when we figure things out of why and how when the record's out. So so so SO late, but we'll get some kind of notification when we do, no matter how fait, it'll b come. And, I idk whenever i think of Ben, i just picture his face in perpetual awe after meeting w Lana in that one thread, where Lana's ill tsgged, and both of em wearing sweats lol I actually dk of the story as clearer as some others on here, but I'm actually pretty grateful Lana didnt go that route. We know she takes her inspiration from the greats, and we've already seen Britney take that lane, and personally, whenever I think of chanteuse, i'm reminded of how Lana immediately comes to mind. I do, however, see her being some kind of soft rock star later on in her career if she even chooses to continue, like in her forties or something but who really knows
  13. This might warrant a fucking halt on thinking for some, but does anyone actually kinda like this period? Of waiting for the record? Idk but for me, I kinda like how we're sorta just anticipating that music's gonna come, not even bitter. Lana's trolling the fuck out of us w a present of a poetry book, that ofc we never asked for, but that can easily b flipped to our favor as the coming months pass by. We'll have, hopefully (lol) interviews from magazines, radio or w/e. Single rollouts, rapid announcements, and then. Boom, he'll b here, we'll blackout for a good week/ month or two about it, then silence, while we start anticipating what's next. Performances? Music videos? Who tf knows? I think it's kinda strange how we've sorta gotten this time to let our imaginations run wild, til we get the actual record. That's like some fucking mental gymnastics there, but it's still something we're allowed to authentically do. Life goes on, and we've got things to do, accomplish and thrive thru, and idk for me, these dead periods, leave me (ofc) wanting more, and it really guides me a bit more to do shit. Like, inspiration bc of a dead zone? It's pretty restful when u think about it. I mean obviously, it's gonna dip back to tension and violent impatience thru one medium to another, needing HiaB and wanting to know what the cover'll be like, what new information we'll get and what to wonder about it from, how she'll take my money thru w/e valuable product I deem myself buying, but like damn. It's gonna fucking suck when we've got all answers to the questions we've had. I mean it'll b a matter of perspective, but still. Anyone fast forwarding too? TO fucking prevent myself from overlooping overthink, we've got. - a poetry book to read and view. - an album cover to love or despise. - a tracklist w the remaining songs we haven't even heard. - social media posts to usher in all that new info - Lana getting happy at what she's releasing thru however she chooses to express her emotional state during nfr's release - MAC having that beautiful, majestic, redeeming quality to it as a song, w the lowkey groovy hints to it. - VB sounding like a beautiful washed out disney end credit song in vibes, distant but still apparent from how Bel Air's piano sounds. - Hope, though muchhh depleted, helps facilitate all the muck within urself through an expression of tears, anger, laughter dk exactly. and I'm strangely at peace w that? lol tchyeah Stream Venice Bitch.
  14. Damn check mi owt ma adding sub categories n shiht Lisa (Franks) we've made it. CORAL I really hope to spread the love of the HiaB supposed insta bridge snippet next again even further. Gay rights u know, whew !
  15. I've been going thru such an emotionally turbulent time, n usually I do well w these things, but something got mucky and actually affected me pretty bad, and it all just accumulated after me trying harder to get over things, searching for some kind of zest of life, and breaking down a little. Never underestimate a true good cry, and never, ever give up. Ended up listening to Troye Sivan and the title track during the drive back, and it all felt ok again. .. cheers to the magic and the endorphins n neurotransimitters and the music that made things a lot smoother. This record is pretty thoughtful when u need it to be
  16. Driving in Cars w Boys, the unpitched version. It felt like, an angel was watching over me, dropped it on my head n ears, and I was hooked - Miss America, w the blue mascara ooooooon ~
  17. I like this idea gahaaaa sucks how it doesn't really mean anything tho :/ The more I think about it, sure I'm so open to the poetry book, and no animosity bc i mean, to hate an inanimate object? Is a bit much, but I hope we get them separately. We've waited all this time, might as well, her milk the promo. and, from an artist's standpoint, I'd appreciate and admire her more if she kept the two separate, even if they complimented each other, bc I'd like for the record and the book to stand on their own
  18. Let's get sleuthin http://instagram.com/p/BtzpXaAjz3i/ I think, I mean after all the times we've been wrong, June and July are coming, regardless. Idk what 69 might b, aside from the kink but yea
  19. Don't know her so it wouldn't b fair to say
  20. Yes! I've a feeling they're unusually funny, in a good way, and I like that
  21. I think, no definitely that Hope and VB are two entirely differently composed songs. Former's got a more solid intent and delivery, a lot more solemn and direct, while VB is more abstract, and leaves a lot more for interpretation. Personally think both are beautiful, but repeating Hope over and over again can get incredibly taxing and fast, while VB at least imo is a lot easier to drown yourself in with its sound, not just bc of the diff track lengths, but bc of how loose and more scattered it is. Bc Hope is a lot more fixed as a song, there's less to dissect, whereas VB is more sporadic in song space, making it a lot easier to connect with, and thru various tunnels w/in its long 9-10 minute mark
  22. Whenever u get this. I just wanted to say, as much as I love the original version, this remix would have to b the best.
  23. I honestly, whole heartedly doubt that. After all the mini betrayals we've gone through, it just doesn't make sense. She couldn't back down n go down that route bc a true baddie wouldn't do that.
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