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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Speculative, but think about it. After every adventure, every conflict, every test, comes a resolution. Lfl was kind of that adventure, and sure most likely, she'll be able to take from the fragments of Lfl and give opportunity from within the subtopics and pages from the tracks but, usually, when someone finishes anything, before they start anything again, there's a breath, where you wait, listen and let the rush linger in you just a bit more. The adrenaline of achieving something new takes you over, and at the very least, you come to appreciate things that survive after the merge. 

    I wonder if that's the route she was really taking when it came to HiaB, talking about the happy places in Yosemite, and so on. It'd seem like the most natural thing to write about imo. That's what she's kind of done from Paradise right? Veined from Born to Die, and even Honeymoon, from all the chaos UV captured?

  2. You have a very interesting point of view on this. I agree that LFL was a gate, and I am very curious about what's on the other end of that gate. It looks as though as if we have finally arrived at the «present tense» of her story, the era she currently lives in, and I don't know what the themes of her music will be, especially since she gave us little to none informations of her whereabouts and how she spends her days (not that I am complaining: I prefer silence over endless teasing of selfies in the studio that make me all on the edge of hoping something is about to come out very soon). 

    I think so too, hopefully. That or something more towards shaping the future. and even if this blackout's exposure free pitched, I'm actually kinda glad that she's not communicating so much this time around. Either she's taking time for herself during, or better that she's keeping her content tight-sealed, leak free. I love how we got to listen to Love early, but no doubt it traversed how promotion went and the album's direction too. Downside is that nothing ever gets released, but I'm pretty sure we've a catalog of her unreleased tracks to sift by til someone with the right resolve gets her involved with another project. We know nothing, like it's unsettling, but what can we do but listen to what's already out there. Sad but true  :krylie:  

  3. Interesting point of view. 

    I always felt she was in the present, though. She reflects on her past, told that story with vintage elements, in order to move on? A way of not regretting past moments of your life is to own them, I believe? She always had that bittersweetness in her, that melancholy, but I don't feel that it cripples her in the past. She lives in the present very much, enjoys her life, lives it to the fullest, so she doesn't regret it. 

    All of her work is a big reflection on happiness, on how to grasp it. She loves to intensely feel everything, whether it is love, or fame, or drugs and alcohol, or even work. The urge for happiness and life itself is there, in her, all the time, at every moment of her life (LFL, the song, is a reflection of that). But as she gets older, she realizes she has a darker side that cannot «win» all the time, and she realizes that life is fragile, that happiness can come calm from a softer place. The snippet of HIaB perfectly embodies that. and maybe this is getting older and «wiser». Even the way she told love stories on LFL changed: she reflects on love itself, on what she wants (I've been dying for something real / my cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme and all fo my black beaches are ruined)

    I don't know if I make any sense, and I am not sure at all that LDR6 will go in that direction. 

    Thnx, undoubtedly of course. Everything she's done now is in the (recent) past, and I wasn't really talking about her reacting to it, that's easy since it's right there in front of you, but how she'd respond to it. She's always been in her own world that's she's made for herself, even thru Lfl where she tries stepping out, but still, you can sense that she clings to the imagery reminiscent of some sort of the past, Coachella, the Carpenter's feel of the album cover etc. The album feels like the concepts of moving out of her comfort zone thru the album are still fresh and experimental (hence the lack of perceived/or not cohesiveness of it). 


    I think it's great how's she's progressing thru life, lines from Groupie Love and so on, moving more towards her dreams and being able to change them. Oh! I guess all the questions might've seemed like I was interrogating, but I think mostly I just wanted to know how she reflects on the times gone by, and of time itself as a concept. That in the fact that she's actually stepping out and being more present with her work, I wonder how she'll sort of transfigure what she does, and how much. What'll she choose to encapture, and through which lens of time? Will it be anecdotal, or will it be more of a contemplative message to the future? 


    How do you think the reflection of the glory days of the past slowly fading away inspire her? That sort of thing. . . . and honestly, we know literally nothing about the next album. HiaB is up in the air with most things. What's her next step, will it be more introspective, like Honeymoon, or more of a collective, like BtD or Lfl. 


    I know she thinks of time in correspondence to youth and life being spent, bc of some songs, like Young and Beautiful/ Get Free, even Wait For Life, but what happens when you're ready to emerge out from your shell. Perhaps thru a track/subtheme of time. Which parts of you stay true within you, and which are you willing to barter and meld with away? Bc basically Lfl's been a gate, and we wanna know where's she going, or been through the next one. 


    Anyone can just post a pic of the Hero's Journey on here as a quick-wit reply, but what about the nuances? Is she going to talk about more about children, will she talk more about the strengths of love that lend itself to people, what kind of imagery will she use? 


    I know I trailed off at some point of this, but I guess what I was trying to eloquize was that how would she move forward, knowing how present Lfl aspires to be, more specifically, would there be a song or two that touches on it, and through which vein of circumstances. Would it be delicate, fragile, or more of an emergence? Would she be alone, or singing about/with others, and so on


    I rambled, I'm sorry, all we've to cling to practically is her tour schedule, and the fact that she likes to write. Maybe the circumstances from who she is too, and where she might be in life, but that's it. 

  4. What album cover do ya'll want for LDR6? I really hope she goes back to the original Lana font she used for BTD. And I hope she keeps the car theme but it would be interesting if she changed it up a bit. Color wise I'm not sure what she'd go for. Hopefully some purple and blue.

    I'd honestly wouldn't be surprised if the next cover didn't even have her on it, or if she was on a helicopter. 


    For the album cover, I'd want something more simplistic, nature oriented somehow. Vibes like these:





    I like this particular idea of her lounging on a tree, not in black in white: lana-del-rey-elle-uk-magazine-june-2017-



    I'd actually gotten a lot more ideas looking at pictures, and imagine something out there, like an underwater album cover. A candid of her dancing. A beautiful face shot with flowers in her hair and her very own iconic makeup look. Maybe have her reflection show, how someone might take a photo of someone inside from a window, while the scenery's still projected on the glass. 


    A movie poster feel/aesthetic would be beautiful too. 





    Imagine a moving album cover though, one angle has one photo, the other has a variation of it. Think of the luster.


    I think this might be the easiest to do, the look of the beach, and her just contemplating, in color:



  5. Sincere question. Do you think Lana ever thinks about the changing circumstances that encompass love? We know how she's always thinking about the past, wanting to live in a different decade. So how does that imagery hold up when you're thrust into the present, how things are now?

    I think there's a certain romance with timelessness, and it must be bittersweet how things just things feel so sleek, and crisp in your eyes these days, and how the daylight, the light kind of captures the frightening simplicity of it, and you realize that once the moments over, it's just as beautiful like how your hair dies as soon as it stems from your head. 

    Polaroids, film. Maybe it's just vanity and romanticizing like a defense mechanism, and the past sweetening it, but wouldn't that make you sad? Something in the past, that still seems as if it were only taken yesterday, veils off.

    Does that make sense, do you think she thinks of that?

  6. Something dark fantasy like Maleficent again or The Love Witch: pt 2


    And cameo in American Horror Story as the imaginary daughter of Sarah Paulson (Cordelia Fox) in the Coven crossover, where she even sings with Stevie Nicks and that would be the video for BPBP, just like Seven Wonders was for Coven. I mean, thats a bit specific, but a girl can dream.


    I'd love to see her in American Horror Story. It'd be really cool

    I was actually rewatching Coven and that would be AMAZING.

  7. . . . so. Imagine if Lana came for a more vampiric sound. Violins, piano keys, the suspense. The romance, the chaos. I think it was on the HM post thread talking more about how Honeymoon had a sense of something terrifying within it,  but imagine Lana's voice over this (maybe polish the main percussion a bit). Imagine the chanting, even just her speaking voice


    Last time we had anything as spooky as I can recall from Lfl came from War and the piano keys hidden in the title track. Talk about leading momentum  :smokes3: 

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