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Everything posted by violets

  1. they were, people said she probably got tired so they came out messy but the signed vinyl i got looked so....... fake and a try hard copy of lana's signature but she said they were all real so who knows
  2. im assuming his family can be annoyed but they legally cant do anything so her label wants her to change it maybe just for respect and shes like nah fuck u and norman
  3. the comments r getting more and more brutal surprised she didnt turn them off
  4. i know its bad to harass her label but... this could be the reason yall we cant just sit on lanaboards and complain because whos checking? we gotta start commenting on interscopes stuff etc! enough demand could possibly get us somewhere. i dont think the attacks in lanas own comments phase interscope until they themselves get bombarded. its hard to believe lana is holding back this release herself. she knows its been slow and she def does not like her comments filled with "WHERE IS THE ALBUM BITCH"
  5. lmaooo what!! someone fill me in edit: nvm just read the thread and found out
  6. dont mind me yall just im an unstable mind of a child type person i really have no patience for anything so this is killing me
  7. its always good to respect others beliefs but i think there should be a certain criticizing taking place when one starts to blame their homophobia on a dusty book and basically any other type of bigotry religion can promote
  8. yall... we've aged 8 months since this era started
  9. so far we got: norman fucking rockwell norman freaking rockwell norman fucking reedus never fucking releasing norman farting rockwell did i miss any?
  10. theres something in the wind... i can feel it.... unless its just that fresh spring air but it feels different
  11. LOL i thought at 1000 it would be impossible to hit 1500 with no news but look at it... look at it
  12. 80% of lanaboards when it leaks the other 20% attacking us
  13. maybe.............. but i wont kiss up to her like a lot of fans do and then go listen to the leaks 10 mins later... if she "complains" then ill ignore it while cinnamon.mp3 is currently downloading. ben and ed use this as proof for why yall hate lanaboards i dont mind<3333333 lol i remember when lfl leaked right before release when lana tweeted "you little fuckers" somebody kept replying to her with stuff like "im so sorry" "people who listen to leaks r horrible" and was in my dms asking for the link 5 minutes later
  14. i feel like we wont get merch or a box set for this era... im fine with that i dont need lana taking my money anyways
  15. i just know IYC is going to explode into some next level shit... you literally feel it coming in the snippet and im so glad it has me on my toes waiting. this release is going to make me sob ahhh im getting crazy for this album again omg get a job challenge
  16. girl where the fuck is she i really thought the teasing of a song meant single coming soon
  17. violets

    Billie Eilish

    https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-et-ms-billie-eilish-album-coachella-interview-20190408-story.html i feel bad that she has to say this stuff herself because of comparisons made between the two. she loves lana and some people on here have to respect and understand that.
  18. i must be confused bc the video is only a minute long
  19. warning delusional speculation read at ur own risk personally i have a strong feeling that we can expect a single for the 20th or 27th!
  20. so we got 4 theories rn its from HIAB its from IYC the unknown song on chucks story or a new song. im going more with unknown on chucks story bc her voice has that similar tone.
  21. do yall think she put any already leaked unr on this album? if sooooo which? personally i dont think so but theres always a chance. if i HAD to ima just say architecture because i think that song deserves to see the light and it fits the whole "this guy knows hes the shit"
  22. these discussions over lana being anti-gay are a little ridiculous. wbk she can be dumb sometimes but i think the LAST thing we can say is shes homophobic or ever will be unless she gets fucking brainwashed can we go back to crying over this album now?
  23. thanks for reminding me now im gonna go watch the age of adaline trailer 30 times in a row
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